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Jordan Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Jordan is: 30.585164 and the longitude is: 36.238414000000034.
Jordan Latitude: | 30.585164 |
Jordan Longitude: | 36.238414000000034 |
Latitude DMS: | 30°35'6.59"N |
Longitude DMS: | 36°14'18.29"E |
UTM Easting: | 235,178.11 |
UTM Northing: | 3,386,878.04 |
UTM Zone: | 37R |
Geohash: | sv3vbxu52pzc |
Position from Earth's Center: | NE |
Elevation: | 912.1 Meters (2992.44 Feet) |
Type: | Country |
Landlocked: | No |
Country: | Jordan |
Country Code: | JO |
Country Code Alpha-3: | JOR |
Country Continent: | Asia |
Continent Region: | Western Asia |
Time Zone: | Asia/Amman |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | EET |
EET Stands for: | Eastern European Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +02:00 |
Current Time: | Sunday November 3rd 8:07am |
Jordan Summary
Jordan is located in the continent of Asia, SE of 'Arad, Israel (see coordinates for Israel); SW of Al Qurayyat, Saudi Arabia (see coordinates for Saudi Arabia); SE of Yuta, Palestinian Territory (see coordinates for Palestine) and S of Daraa, Syria (see coordinates for Syria).
The capital of Jordan is Amman "‘Ammān". Arabic "العربية" is the main language of the country. English is spoken as well.
The 5 most populated places in Jordan are:
- Amman (see coordinates for Amman)
- Zarqa (see coordinates for Zarqa)
- Irbid (see coordinates for Irbid)
- Rusayfah، (see coordinates for Jabal ar Rusayfah، Jordan)
- Wadi as Sir (see coordinates for Wadi Al Seer)
4 points of interest in Jordan:
- Temple of Hercules, Amman, Jordan
- Abdoun Bridge, Amman, Jordan (see coordinates for Abdoun Bridge)
- Umm Qais Ruins, Irbid, Jordan
- Irbid Archaeological Museum, Irbid, Jordan
Jordan time zone(s):
Name | UTC/GMT Offset |
Eastern European Time Zone | +02:00/+03:00 |
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Jordan.
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