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Amman Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Amman, Jordan is: 31.9565783 and the longitude is: 35.945695099999966.

Amman Latitude: 31.9565783
Amman Longitude: 35.945695099999966
Latitude DMS: 31°57'23.68"N
Longitude DMS: 35°56'44.5"E
UTM Easting: 778,422.03
UTM Northing: 3,539,412.90
UTM Zone: 36R
Geohash: sv9tccwbe3uv
Position from Earth's Center: NE
Elevation: 796.91 Meters (2614.54 Feet)
Type: Country Capital[?]
City: Amman
Province: Amman
Country: Jordan
Country Code: JO
Country Code Alpha-3: JOR
Country Continent: Asia
Time Zone: Asia/Amman
Time Zone Abbreviation: EEST
EEST Stands for: Eastern European Summer Time
Daylight Saving Time: Yes
EEST Began: March 29th 2024 12:00am EET
EEST Ends: October 25th 2024 1:00am EEST
UTC/GMT Difference: +03:00
Current Time: Tuesday October 15th 7:59pm

Amman Summary

Amman "‘Ammān" is the capital of Jordan (see coordinates for Jordan) and is located 71.7 Km ENE of Modiin Ilit, Israel; 75.9 Km S of Daraa, Syria and 151.1 Km WNW of Al Qurayyat, Saudi Arabia.

Amman is the most populated city in Jordan. Zarqa (see coordinates for Zarqa) located 90.1 Km ESE of Amman, is the 2nd most populated in Jordan and Irbid 66 Km away N is the 3rd most populated.

Airport near 31°57'23.68"N and 35°56'44.5"E:

  • "AMM" Queen Alia International Airport (26.4 Km S)

Amman points of interest:

  • 1 Km WSW Temple of Hercules, Amman, Jordan
  • 1.1 Km WSW National Archaeological Museum, Amman, Jordan
  • 2 Km SW Ras Al Ein Square, Amman, Jordan
  • 4.5 Km WNW Royal Culture Center, Amman, Jordan
  • 4.8 Km W Abdoun Bridge (see coordinates for Abdoun Bridge)
  • 6.4 Km WSW Abdoun Mall, Amman, Jordan

Amman time zone:

Amman's coordinates are in the EET (Eastern European Time) and EEST (Eastern European Summer Time) time zones. Note that this is the only time zone used in Jordan.

Asia/Amman Time Zone: EET and EEST
EET UTC/GMT Difference: +02:00
EEST UTC/GMT Difference: +03:00
EET to EEST: +1 hour
EEST to EET: -1 hour

Note: Jericho, WE, Occupied Palestinian Territory; Syrian Arab Republic; Lebanon and Cyprus time zones also observe EET and EEST.

Need to calculate the distance between Amman and nearby cities? See Amman to nearby cities.

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Amman.

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