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Montan-angelin-arensod AO Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Montan-angelin-arensod AO, Italy is: 45.726055 and the longitude is: 7.274462.
Montan-angelin-arensod AO Latitude: | 45.726055 |
Montan-angelin-arensod AO Longitude: | 7.274462 |
Latitude DMS: | 45°43'33.8"N |
Longitude DMS: | 7°16'28.06"E |
UTM Easting: | 365,730.24 |
UTM Northing: | 5,065,058.94 |
UTM Zone: | 32T |
Geohash: | u0jhjs1je62n |
Position from Earth's Center: | N |
Elevation: | 616.68 Meters (2023.21 Feet) |
City: | Montan-angelin-arensod |
District: | Valle d'Aosta |
Province: | Valle d'Aosta |
Country: | Italy |
Country Code: | IT |
Country Code Alpha-3: | ITA |
Country Continent: | Europe |
Time Zone: | Europe/Rome |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | CEST |
CEST Stands for: | Central European Summer Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | Yes |
CEST Began: | March 31st 2024 2:00am CET |
CEST Ends: | October 27th 2024 3:00am CEST |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +02:00 |
Current Time: | Friday September 20th 4:43pm |
Montan-angelin-arensod AO, Italy Summary
Montan-Angelin-Arensod has a latitude of 45°43'33.8"N and a longitude of 7°16'28.06"E or 45.726055 and 7.274462 respectively.
Montan-angelin-arensod AO, Italy coordinates are near the Switzerland and France borders; 35 Km SSE of Orsieres, VS, Switzerland (see coordinates for Orsières) and 38.3 Km SE of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, RA, France (see coordinates for Chamonix).
Areas near Montan-Angelin-Arensod:
- 1.2 Km S to Jovencan, Valle d'Aosta (see coordinates for 11020 Jovencan AO)
- 1.5 Km WNW to Ville Sur Sarre, Valle d'Aosta (see coordinates for 11010 Ville Sur Sarre AO)
- 1.6 Km SW to Saint Maurice, Valle d'Aosta (see coordinates for 11010 Saint Maurice AO)
- 3.7 Km WSW to Saint-Pierre, Valle d'Aosta (see coordinates for Saint-Pierre AO)
- 3.8 Km SW to Aymavilles, Valle d'Aosta (see coordinates for 11010 Aymavilles AO)
Populated areas nearby:
- 3.6 Km ENE to Aosta (see coordinates for 11100 Aosta)
- 55.2 Km ESE to Ivrea, Piemonte (see coordinates for Ivrea TO)
- 60.2 Km SSE to Cirie, Piemonte (see coordinates for Ciriè TO)
- 63.6 Km ESE to Biella, Piemonte (see coordinates for Biella BI)
- 71.9 Km SSE to Venaria Reale, Piedmont (see coordinates for Venaria)
Airports near 45°43'33.8"N and 7°16'28.06"E:
- "TRN" Turin Airport (65.3 Km SSE)
- "AOT" Aosta Airport (7.4 Km E)
Points of interest near Montan-angelin-arensod AO:
- 3.6 Km ENE Aosta Cathedral, Aosta, Italy
- 5.1 Km SE Aosta-Pila Cable Car, Gressan, Italy
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Montan-angelin-arensod AO.
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