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Port Blair Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India is: 11.6233774 and the longitude is: 92.72648279999999.

Port Blair Latitude: 11.6233774
Port Blair Longitude: 92.72648279999999
Latitude DMS: 11°37'24.16"N
Longitude DMS: 92°43'35.34"E
UTM Easting: 470,184.37
UTM Northing: 1,284,922.34
UTM Zone: 46P
Geohash: w41fn5cr5ds2
Position from Earth's Center: E
Elevation: 16.13 Meters (52.92 Feet)
Type: State Capital
City: Port Blair
District: South Andaman
State: Andaman and Nicobar Islands
State Abbreviation: AN
Country: India
Country Code: IN
Country Code Alpha-3: IND
Country Continent: Asia
Time Zone: Asia/Kolkata
Time Zone Abbreviation: IST
IST Stands for: Indian Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +05:30
Current Time: Sunday February 16th 8:53pm

Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India Summary

Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands state, has a latitude of 11°37'24.16"N and a longitude of 92°43'35.34"E or 11.623377 and 92.726483 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #378 in India.

Airports near 11°37'24.16"N and 92°43'35.34"E:

  • "IXZ" Vir Savarkar International Airport (2 Km N)

Points of interest near Port Blair:

  • 5.1 Km N Anthropological Museum, Port Blair, India
  • 6 Km NNE Rajiv Gandhi Water Sports Complex, Port Blair, India
  • 6.2 Km NNE Cellular Jail, Port Blair, India
  • 7.3 Km NNE Ross Island (see coordinates for Ross Island)

Need to calculate the distance between Port Blair and nearby cities? See Port Blair to nearby cities.

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Port Blair.

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