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Kempegowda International Airport (BLR) Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Kempegowda International Airport (BLR), Devanahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560300, India is: 13.2044921 and the longitude is: 77.70769070000006.

Kempegowda International Airport (BLR) Latitude: 13.2044921
Kempegowda International Airport (BLR) Longitude: 77.70769070000006
Latitude DMS: 13°12'16.17"N
Longitude DMS: 77°42'27.69"E
UTM Easting: 793,481.92
UTM Northing: 1,461,334.85
UTM Zone: 43P
Geohash: tdr707c18rtq
Position from Earth's Center: E
Elevation: 904.36 Meters (2967.05 Feet)
Type: Major Airport
Name: Bengaluru International Airport
Street: Devanahalli
City: Bengaluru
District: Bangalore Rural
State: Karnataka
State Abbreviation: KA
Country: India
Country Code: IN
Country Code Alpha-3: IND
Country Continent: Asia
Time Zone: Asia/Kolkata
Time Zone Abbreviation: IST
IST Stands for: Indian Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +05:30
Current Time: Monday January 20th 8:52pm

Places Closest to Bengaluru International Airport:

Points of interest near BLR:

  • 5 Km N Devanahalli Fort, Devanahalli, India

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Kempegowda International Airport (BLR).

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