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Balurghat Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Balurghat, West Bengal, India is: 25.2372834 and the longitude is: 88.78306120000002.
Balurghat Latitude: | 25.2372834 |
Balurghat Longitude: | 88.78306120000002 |
Latitude DMS: | 25°14'14.22"N |
Longitude DMS: | 88°46'59.02"E |
UTM Easting: | 679,599.67 |
UTM Northing: | 2,792,414.00 |
UTM Zone: | 45R |
Geohash: | turps63cg689 |
Position from Earth's Center: | ENE |
Elevation: | 29.95 Meters (98.26 Feet) |
City: | Balurghat |
District: | Dakshin Dinajpur |
State: | West Bengal |
State Abbreviation: | WB |
Country: | India |
Country Code: | IN |
Country Code Alpha-3: | IND |
Country Continent: | Asia |
Time Zone: | Asia/Kolkata |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | IST |
IST Stands for: | Indian Standard Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +05:30 |
Current Time: | Friday February 7th 2:46pm |
Balurghat, West Bengal, India Summary
Balurghat "Bālurghāt" has a latitude of 25°14'14.22"N and a longitude of 88°46'59.02"E or 25.237283 and 88.783061 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #286 in India.
Balurghat, West Bengal, India coordinates are near the Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan borders; 28.7 Km WNW of Joypur Hat, Rajshahi Division, Bangladesh (see coordinates for Joypurhat); 160.7 Km SSE of Bhadrapur, Eastern Region, Nepal (see coordinates for Bhadrapur) and 187.8 Km SSW of Jaigaon, WB, Bhutan (see coordinates for Jaigaon).
Populated areas near Bālurghāt:
- 31.1 Km NW to Gangarampur, WB (see coordinates for Gangarampur)
- 63.6 Km NW to Kaliyaganj, WB (see coordinates for Kaliyaganj)
- 69.4 Km WSW to Malda, WB (see coordinates for Malda)
- 78.5 Km WNW to Raiganj, WB (see coordinates for Raiganj)
- 98 Km WSW to Rajmahal, JH (see coordinates for Rajmahal)
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Balurghat.
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