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Arta 471 00 Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Arta 471 00, Greece is: 39.1582421 and the longitude is: 20.98768389999998.

Arta 471 00 Latitude: 39.1582421
Arta 471 00 Longitude: 20.98768389999998
Latitude DMS: 39°9'29.67"N
Longitude DMS: 20°59'15.66"E
UTM Easting: 498,935.91
UTM Northing: 4,334,337.19
UTM Zone: 34S
Geohash: sqyyv8dc23qs
Position from Earth's Center: NNE
Elevation: 83.07 Meters (272.53 Feet)
City: Arta
District: Epirus
Province: Ipiros Ditiki Makedonia
Country: Greece
Country Code: GR
Country Code Alpha-3: GRC
Country Continent: Europe
Time Zone: Europe/Athens
Time Zone Abbreviation: EEST
EEST Stands for: Eastern European Summer Time
Daylight Saving Time: Yes
EEST Began: March 31st 2024 3:00am EET
EEST Ends: October 27th 2024 4:00am EEST
UTC/GMT Difference: +03:00
Current Time: Thursday October 10th 1:07am

Arta 471 00, Greece Summary

Arta "Árta" has a latitude of 39°9'29.67"N and a longitude of 20°59'15.66"E or 39.158242 and 20.987684 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #93 in Greece.

Arta 471 00, Greece coordinates are near the Albania border; 115.7 Kilometers SE of Sarande, Albania (see coordinates for Sarandë).

Populated areas near Árta:

Note: Árta is also located 271.8 Km WNW of Greece capital Athens Attica (see coordinates for Athens).

Airports near 39°9'29.67"N and 20°59'15.66"E:

  • "PVK" Aktion National Airport (32.2 Km SW)
  • "IOA" Ioannina Airport (61.5 Km NNW)

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Arta 471 00.

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