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Herrlisheim Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Herrlisheim, France is: 48.728741 and the longitude is: 7.906801.

Herrlisheim Latitude: 48.728741
Herrlisheim Longitude: 7.906801
Latitude DMS: 48°43'43.47"N
Longitude DMS: 7°54'24.48"E
UTM Easting: 419,607.98
UTM Northing: 5,397,878.38
UTM Zone: 32U
Geohash: u0tt5yv93zdn
Position from Earth's Center: N
Elevation: 127.04 Meters (416.81 Feet)
City: Herrlisheim
District: Bas-Rhin
Province: Alsace
Country: France
Country Code: FR
Country Code Alpha-3: FRA
Country Continent: Europe
Time Zone: Europe/Paris
Time Zone Abbreviation: CEST
CEST Stands for: Central European Summer Time
Daylight Saving Time: Yes
CEST Began: March 31st 2024 2:00am CET
CEST Ends: October 27th 2024 3:00am CEST
UTC/GMT Difference: +02:00
Current Time: Wednesday October 9th 3:01pm

Herrlisheim, France Summary

Herrlisheim has a latitude of 48°43'43.47"N and a longitude of 7°54'24.48"E or 48.728741 and 7.906801 respectively.

Herrlisheim, France coordinates are near the Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium borders; 7.8 Km WSW of Greffern, BW, Germany (see coordinates for 77836 Greffern); 117 Km NNW of Schleitheim, SH, Switzerland (see coordinates for Schleitheim); 139.4 Km SE of Schengen, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg (see coordinates for Schengen) and 179.3 Km ESE of Aubange, Walloon Region, Belgium (see coordinates for Aubange).

Areas near Herrlisheim:

Populated areas nearby:

Airports near 48°43'43.47"N and 7°54'24.48"E:

  • "SXB" Strasbourg Airport (29.5 Km SW)

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Herrlisheim.

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