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Gran Canaria Airport (LPA) Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Gran Canaria Airport (LPA), 35230, Las Palmas, Spain is: 27.933185 and the longitude is: -15.387707.

Gran Canaria Airport (LPA) Latitude: 27.933185
Gran Canaria Airport (LPA) Longitude: -15.387707
Latitude DMS: 27°55'59.47"N
Longitude DMS: 15°23'15.75"W
UTM Easting: 461,856.02
UTM Northing: 3,089,861.42
UTM Zone: 28R
Geohash: esvncv5487n4
Position from Earth's Center: NNW
Elevation: 18.48 Meters (60.64 Feet)
Type: Major Airport
Name: Gran Canaria Airport
District: Las Palmas
Province: Canarias
Province Abbreviation: CN
Country: Spain
Country Code: ES
Country Code Alpha-3: ESP
Country Continent: Europe
Time Zone: Atlantic/Canary
Time Zone Abbreviation: WET
WET Stands for: Western European Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
WET Began: October 27th 2024 2:00am WEST
WET Ends: March 30th 2025 1:00am WET
UTC/GMT Difference: No Difference
Current Time: Saturday December 14th 2:09pm

Places Closest to Gran Canaria Airport:

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Gran Canaria Airport (LPA).

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