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Quito Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Quito, Ecuador is: -0.1806532 and the longitude is: -78.4678382.

Quito Latitude: -0.1806532
Quito Longitude: -78.4678382
Latitude DMS: 0°10'50.35"S
Longitude DMS: 78°28'4.22"W
UTM Easting: 781,857.20
UTM Northing: 9,980,012.75
UTM Zone: 17M
Geohash: 6rbnyrj7wgg4
Position from Earth's Center: W
Elevation: 2930.11 Meters (9613.23 Feet)
Type: Country Capital[?]
City: Quito
District: Distrito Metropolitano de Quito
Province: Pichincha
Country: Ecuador
Country Code: EC
Country Code Alpha-3: ECU
Country Continent: South America
Time Zone: America/Guayaquil
Time Zone Abbreviation: -05
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: -05:00
Current Time: Monday September 16th 3:23pm

Quito Summary

Quito is the capital of Ecuador (see coordinates for Ecuador) and is located 145 Km SW of Ipiales, Colombia and 419.6 Km NNE of Zarumilla, Peru.

Quito is the 2nd most populated city in Ecuador. Guayaquil (see coordinates for Guayaquil) located 274.2 Km SW of Quito, is the most populated and Cuenca 308.3 Km away S is the 3rd most populated.

Airport near 0°10'50.35"S and 78°28'4.22"W:

Quito points of interest:

  • 4.2 Km SW La Mariscal Craft Market, Quito, Ecuador
  • 4.6 Km SW Ecuadorian Cultural House, Quito, Ecuador
  • 4.9 Km W Calle La Ronda, Quito, Ecuador
  • 6.5 Km WNW Vulqano Park, Quito, Ecuador
  • 6.6 Km SW Independence Square, Quito, Ecuador
  • 6.6 Km SW Carondelet Palace, Quito, Ecuador
  • 6.6 Km SW Quito Cathedral, Quito, Ecuador
  • 7.8 Km SW El Panecillo, Quito, Ecuador

Need to calculate the distance between Quito and nearby cities? See Quito to nearby cities.

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Quito.

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