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San Jose Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for San Jose, Costa Rica is: 9.9280694 and the longitude is: -84.09072459999999.
San Jose Latitude: | 9.9280694 |
San Jose Longitude: | -84.09072459999999 |
Latitude DMS: | 9°55'41.05"N |
Longitude DMS: | 84°5'26.61"W |
UTM Easting: | 819,043.23 |
UTM Northing: | 1,098,857.03 |
UTM Zone: | 16P |
Geohash: | d1u0qrr50n5w |
Position from Earth's Center: | W |
Elevation: | 1164.2 Meters (3819.54 Feet) |
Type: | Country Capital[?] |
City: | San Jose |
Province: | San Jose |
Country: | Costa Rica |
Country Code: | CR |
Country Code Alpha-3: | CRI |
Country Continent: | North America |
Time Zone: | America/Costa_Rica |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | CST |
CST Stands for: | Central Standard Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
UTC/GMT Difference: | -06:00 |
Current Time: | Saturday December 14th 7:49am |
San Jose Summary
San Jose "San José" is the capital of Costa Rica (see coordinates for Costa Rica) and is located 183.9 Km WNW of Changuinola, Panama and 200.3 Km SSE of Nueva Guinea, Nicaragua. Being located at 9°55'41.05"N and 84°5'26.61"W, San Jose is right in the center of Costa Rica.
San Jose is the most populated city in Costa Rica. Limon (see coordinates for Limon) located 115.2 Km E of San Jose, is the 2nd most populated in Costa Rica and Heredia 8.4 Km away NNW is the 3rd most populated.
Airports near 9°55'41.05"N and 84°5'26.61"W:
- "SYQ" Tobias Bolanos International Airport (6.3 Km WNW)
- "SJO" Juan Santamaria International Airport (14.9 Km WNW see coordinates for Juan Santamaria International Airport)
- "XQP" Quepos Managua Airport (54.1 Km S)
San Jose points of interest:
- 1.2 Km NE Mercado Central, San Jose, Costa Rica
- 1.3 Km ENE San Jose Parque Central, San Jose, Costa Rica
- 1.4 Km ENE San Jose Cathedral, San Jose, Costa Rica
- 1.9 Km ENE Morazan Park, San Jose, Costa Rica
- 2.1 Km ENE National Center of Art and Culture (Centro Nacional Artes y Cultura), San Jose, Costa Rica
- 13.2 Km WNW Ojo de Agua Spa Park, San Jose, Costa Rica
Need to calculate the distance between San Jose and nearby cities? See San Jose to nearby cities.
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for San Jose.
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