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Gabrovo Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Gabrovo, Bulgaria is: 42.874221 and the longitude is: 25.318684.
Gabrovo Latitude: | 42.874221 |
Gabrovo Longitude: | 25.318684 |
Latitude DMS: | 42°52'27.2"N |
Longitude DMS: | 25°19'7.26"E |
UTM Easting: | 362,678.01 |
UTM Northing: | 4,748,218.48 |
UTM Zone: | 35T |
Geohash: | sxd5bjh82n54 |
Position from Earth's Center: | NNE |
Elevation: | 388.01 Meters (1273.01 Feet) |
Type: | State Capital |
City: | Gabrovo |
District: | Gabrovo |
Province: | Gabrovo |
Country: | Bulgaria |
Country Code: | BG |
Country Code Alpha-3: | BGR |
Country Continent: | Europe |
Time Zone: | Europe/Sofia |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | EEST |
EEST Stands for: | Eastern European Summer Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | Yes |
EEST Began: | March 31st 2024 3:00am EET |
EEST Ends: | October 27th 2024 4:00am EEST |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +03:00 |
Current Time: | Saturday October 5th 11:53am |
Gabrovo, Bulgaria Summary
Gabrovo, the capital of the Gabrovo province, has a latitude of 42°52'27.2"N and a longitude of 25°19'7.26"E or 42.874221 and 25.318684 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #17 in Bulgaria.
Gabrovo, Bulgaria coordinates are near the Romania, Turkey and Greece borders; 87.2 Km S of Zimnicea, TR, Romania (see coordinates for Zimnicea 145400); 167.6 Km NW of Edirne, Turkey (see coordinates for Edirne) and 182.5 Km NW of Orestiada, Makedonia Thraki, Greece (see coordinates for Orestias 682 00).
Populated areas near Gabrovo:
- 24.4 Km NW to Sevlievo, Gabrovo (see coordinates for Sevlievo)
- 29 Km SSE to Kazanluk, Stara Zagora (see coordinates for Kazanluk)
- 33 Km NE to Veliko Turnovo, Veliko Tarnovo Province (see coordinates for Veliko Tarnovo)
- 40.8 Km NE to Gorna Oryakhovitsa, Veliko Tarnovo Province (see coordinates for Gorna Oryahovitsa)
- 49.2 Km WSW to Karlovo, Plovdiv Province (see coordinates for Karlovo)
Note: Gabrovo is also located 164.2 Km E of Bulgaria capital Sofia (see coordinates for Sofia).
Need to calculate the distance between Gabrovo and nearby cities? See Gabrovo to nearby cities.
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Gabrovo.
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