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Bulgaria Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Bulgaria is: 42.733883 and the longitude is: 25.485829999999964.

Bulgaria Latitude: 42.733883
Bulgaria Longitude: 25.485829999999964
Latitude DMS: 42°44'1.98"N
Longitude DMS: 25°29'8.99"E
UTM Easting: 376,050.05
UTM Northing: 4,732,375.20
UTM Zone: 35T
Geohash: sxd55gqnyvhj
Position from Earth's Center: NNE
Elevation: 1113.16 Meters (3652.11 Feet)
Type: Country
Landlocked: No
Country: Bulgaria
Country Code: BG
Country Code Alpha-3: BGR
Country Continent: Europe
Continent Region: Eastern Europe
Time Zone: Europe/Sofia
Time Zone Abbreviation: EEST
EEST Stands for: Eastern European Summer Time
Daylight Saving Time: Yes
UTC/GMT Difference: +03:00
Current Time: Wednesday October 9th 9:44pm

Bulgaria Summary

Bulgaria is located in the continent of Europe, S of Zimnicea, Romania (see coordinates for Romania); NW of Edirne, Turkey (see coordinates for Turkey); NNW of Orestiada, Greece (see coordinates for Greece) and ENE of Delcevo, Macedonia (see coordinates for Macedonia (FYROM)).

The capital of Bulgaria is Sofia "Sofiya". Bulgarian "български" is the main language of the country. Turkish and Romany is also spoken.

The 5 most populated places in Bulgaria are:

  1. Sofia (see coordinates for Sofia)
  2. Plovdiv (see coordinates for Plovdiv)
  3. Varna (see coordinates for bulevard)
  4. Burgas (see coordinates for Burgas)
  5. Ruse (see coordinates for Ruse)

6 points of interest in Bulgaria:

  • Alexander Nevski Cathedral, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Archaelogical Museum, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Plovdiv Amphitheatre, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Aliosha Monument, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Dormition of the Theotokos Cathedral, Varna, Bulgaria
  • Sea Gardens, Burgas, Bulgaria

Bulgaria time zone(s):

NameUTC/GMT Offset
Eastern European Time Zone+02:00/+03:00

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Bulgaria.

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