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Ostend-Bruges International Airport (OST) Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Ostend-Bruges International Airport (OST), Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 889, 8400 Oostende, Belgium is: 51.199562 and the longitude is: 2.872141.
Ostend-Bruges International Airport (OST) Latitude: | 51.199562 |
Ostend-Bruges International Airport (OST) Longitude: | 2.872141 |
Latitude DMS: | 51°11'58.42"N |
Longitude DMS: | 2°52'19.71"E |
UTM Easting: | 491,066.73 |
UTM Northing: | 5,672,025.09 |
UTM Zone: | 31U |
Geohash: | u14532e7jdpe |
Position from Earth's Center: | N |
Elevation: | 3 Meters (9.84 Feet) |
Type: | Mid-size Airport |
Name: | Ostend-Bruges International Airport |
IATA Code: | OST |
Street: | Nieuwpoortsesteenweg |
City: | Oostende |
District: | West-Vlaanderen |
Province: | Vlaanderen |
Country: | Belgium |
Country Code: | BE |
Country Code Alpha-3: | BEL |
Country Continent: | Europe |
Time Zone: | Europe/Brussels |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | CET |
CET Stands for: | Central European Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
CET Began: | October 27th 2024 3:00am CEST |
CET Ends: | March 30th 2025 2:00am CET |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +01:00 |
Current Time: | Thursday January 23rd 12:57pm |
Places Closest to Ostend-Bruges International Airport:
- 3.9 Km WSW Middelkerke, Flanders (see coordinates for Middelkerke)
- 4.3 Km ENE Ostend, Flanders (see coordinates for Ostend)
- 18.5 Km S Diksmuide, Flanders (see coordinates for Diksmuide)
- 18.7 Km SW Koksijde, Flanders (see coordinates for Koksijde)
- 19.5 Km ESE Zedelgem, Flanders (see coordinates for Zedelgem)
Points of interest near OST:
- 4.9 Km NE Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Ostend, Belgium
- 6.1 Km NE The Mercator, Ostend, Belgium
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Ostend-Bruges International Airport (OST).
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