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Satkhira Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Satkhira, Bangladesh is: 22.7184852 and the longitude is: 89.0704766.

Satkhira Latitude: 22.7184852
Satkhira Longitude: 89.0704766
Latitude DMS: 22°43'6.55"N
Longitude DMS: 89°4'13.72"E
UTM Easting: 712,655.77
UTM Northing: 2,513,841.07
UTM Zone: 45Q
Geohash: tup34zg0u889
Position from Earth's Center: ENE
Elevation: 6.86 Meters (22.51 Feet)
City: Satkhira
District: Satkhira
Province: Khulna Division
Country: Bangladesh
Country Code: BD
Country Code Alpha-3: BGD
Country Continent: Asia
Time Zone: Asia/Dhaka
Time Zone Abbreviation: +06
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +06:00
Current Time: Friday September 20th 4:01pm

Satkhira, Bangladesh Summary

Satkhira "Sātkhira" has a latitude of 22°43'6.55"N and a longitude of 89°4'13.72"E or 22.718485 and 89.070477 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #25 in Bangladesh.

Satkhira, Bangladesh coordinates are near the India border; 22.2 Kilometers NE of Taki, WB, India (see coordinates for Taki).

Populated areas near Sātkhira:

Note: Sātkhira is also located 183.2 Km SW of Bangladesh capital Dhaka (see coordinates for Dhaka).

Airports near 22°43'6.55"N and 89°4'13.72"E:

  • "JSR" Jessore Airport (52.6 Km N)

Need to calculate the distance between Satkhira and nearby cities? See Satkhira to nearby cities.

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Satkhira.

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