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Kostajnica Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Kostajnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina is: 45.219245 and the longitude is: 16.537606.
Kostajnica Latitude: | 45.219245 |
Kostajnica Longitude: | 16.537606 |
Latitude DMS: | 45°13'9.28"N |
Longitude DMS: | 16°32'15.38"E |
UTM Easting: | 620,723.72 |
UTM Northing: | 5,008,456.16 |
UTM Zone: | 33T |
Geohash: | u25c0rfm4nhz |
Position from Earth's Center: | NNE |
Elevation: | 111 Meters (364.17 Feet) |
City: | Kostajnica |
Province: | Republic of Srpska |
Country: | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Country Code: | BA |
Country Code Alpha-3: | BIH |
Country Continent: | Europe |
Time Zone: | Europe/Sarajevo |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | CET |
CET Stands for: | Central European Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
CET Began: | October 27th 2024 3:00am CEST |
CET Ends: | March 30th 2025 2:00am CET |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +01:00 |
Current Time: | Friday December 13th 9:59pm |
Kostajnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina Summary
Kostajnica has a latitude of 45°13'9.28"N and a longitude of 16°32'15.38"E or 45.219245 and 16.537606 respectively.
Kostajnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina coordinates are near the Croatia border; 1 Kilometers S of Hrvatska Kostajnica, Sisak-Moslavina County, Croatia (see coordinates for Hrvatska Kostajnica).
Areas near Kostajnica:
- 9.1 Km SSW to Dobrljin, Republic of Srpska (see coordinates for Dobrljin)
- 16.7 Km SE to Knezica, Republic of Srpska (see coordinates for Knežica)
- 20.1 Km S to Svodna, Republic of Srpska (see coordinates for Svodna)
- 22.1 Km E to Bosanska Dubica, Republic of Srpska (see coordinates for Kozarska Dubica)
- 22.9 Km SSW to Bosanski Novi, Republic of Srpska (see coordinates for Novi Grad 79220)
Populated areas nearby:
- 29.9 Km SSE to Prijedor, Republic of Srpska (see coordinates for Prijedor)
- 48.3 Km SW to Bosanska Krupa, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (see coordinates for Bosanska Krupa)
- 54.3 Km WSW to Cazin, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (see coordinates for Cazin)
- 57.4 Km W to Velika Kladusa, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (see coordinates for Velika Kladuša)
- 69.4 Km SW to Bihac, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (see coordinates for Bihać 77000)
Note: Kostajnica is also located 212.3 Km NW of Bosnia and Herzegovina capital Sarajevo Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (see coordinates for Sarajevo).
Airports near 45°13'9.28"N and 16°32'15.38"E:
- "BNX" Banja Luka International Airport (67.2 Km ESE)
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Kostajnica.
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