Distance from Yerevan to Nearby Cities

The distance from Yerevan to the nearest city Abovyan is 16.4 kilometers or 10.2 miles away. The nearest town Geghanist is 9.8 kilometers or 6.1 miles away. 3 major cities are near Yerevan; Hrazdan being the closest is 51.7 kilometers or 32.1 miles away.

Yerevan is also 642.6 kilometers or 399.3 miles from Doğubayazıt in Turkey.

Yerevan Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Yerevan Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 8.2 Km (5.1 Mi)

Yerevan to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Yerevan and nearby cities in Armenia.

From Yerevan Population Distance
NE to Abovyan35,67313.9 Km (8.7 Mi) 16.4 Km (10.2 Mi)
SSW to Masis18,91114.8 Km (9.2 Mi) 16.6 Km (10.3 Mi)
NW to Ashtarak18,77918.6 Km (11.6 Mi) 23.9 Km (14.8 Mi)
W to Vagharshapat49,51319.1 Km (11.9 Mi) 21 Km (13 Mi)
S to Artashat20,56225.7 Km (16 Mi) 32.7 Km (20.3 Mi)

Yerevan to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Yerevan and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Armenia.

From Yerevan Population Distance
WSW to Geghanist2,4098.2 Km (5.1 Mi) 9.8 Km (6.1 Mi)
NE to Ptghni1,2319.9 Km (6.1 Mi) 12.7 Km (7.9 Mi)
E to Dzoraghbyur2,01110.2 Km (6.3 Mi) 13.2 Km (8.2 Mi)
SW to Ghukasavan2,11310.7 Km (6.7 Mi) 13.4 Km (8.3 Mi)
NE to Balahovit2,98210.8 Km (6.7 Mi) 13 Km (8.1 Mi)

Yerevan to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Yerevan to major cities in Yerevan.

From Yerevan Population Distance
NNE to Hrazdan40,79544.6 Km (27.7 Mi) 51.7 Km (32.1 Mi)
N to Vanadzor101,09869.4 Km (43.1 Mi) 132.1 Km (82.1 Mi)
NW to Gyumri148,38188.4 Km (54.9 Mi) 123.1 Km (76.5 Mi)
Yerevan to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Yerevan to major cities in bordering Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran and Turkey.

From Yerevan Population Distance
SSW to Doğubayazıt Turkey70,17180.4 Km (50 Mi) 642.6 Km (399.3 Mi)
NE to Gazakh Azerbaijan18,903123.7 Km (76.8 Mi) 275.5 Km (171.2 Mi)
N to Marneuli Georgia18,755144.8 Km (90 Mi) 235.7 Km (146.5 Mi)
SSE to Qarahziyaeddin Iran31,947150.6 Km (93.6 Mi) 579.9 Km (360.3 Mi)