Distance from Yamagata to Nearby Cities

The distance from Yamagata to the nearest city Tendo is 14.3 kilometers or 8.9 miles away. The nearest town Kakunodatemachi is 187.5 kilometers or 116.5 miles away. 3 major cities are near Yamagata; Yonezawa being the closest is 48.4 kilometers or 30.1 miles away.

Yamagata Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Yamagata Distances
Nearby Location(s): 12
Nearest Location: 12.4 Km (7.7 Mi)

Yamagata to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Yamagata and nearby cities in Japan.

From Yamagata Population Distance
NNE to Tendo65,39312.3 Km (7.7 Mi) 14.3 Km (8.9 Mi)
SSW to Kaminoyama35,59313.3 Km (8.3 Mi) 16.1 Km (10 Mi)
NNW to Sagae43,54415 Km (9.3 Mi) 19.5 Km (12.1 Mi)
NNE to Higashine45,77920.1 Km (12.5 Mi) 27.7 Km (17.2 Mi)
SSW to Takahata26,34730.7 Km (19.1 Mi) 37.8 Km (23.5 Mi)

Yamagata to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Yamagata and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Japan.

From Yamagata Population Distance
N to Kakunodatemachi14,138150.2 Km (93.3 Mi) 187.5 Km (116.5 Mi)
NNE to Uchimaru?270.1 Km (167.8 Mi) 361.9 Km (224.9 Mi)
NNE to Inuotose?274.6 Km (170.6 Mi) 380.9 Km (236.7 Mi)
SW to Hakuba9,246279 Km (173.3 Mi) 369.7 Km (229.7 Mi)

Yamagata to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Yamagata to major cities in Yamagata Prefecture.

From Yamagata Population Distance
SSW to Yonezawa94,48641.9 Km (26 Mi) 48.4 Km (30.1 Mi)
NW to Tsuruoka99,82068.9 Km (42.8 Mi) 95.3 Km (59.2 Mi)
NNW to Sakata100,44685.4 Km (53 Mi) 114.5 Km (71.1 Mi)