Distance from Wilmington, DE to Nearby Cities

The distance from Wilmington center to the nearest city Bear is 13.8 miles or 22.1 kilometers away. The nearest town Edgemoor is 2.8 miles or 4.5 kilometers away. 2 major cities are near Wilmington; Middletown being the closest is 29.2 miles or 47 kilometers away.

Wilmington is also near the Pennsylvania state border; Philadelphia in Pennsylvania is 32.7 miles or 52.6 kilometers away.

Wilmington Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Wilmington Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 2.3 Mi (3.7 Km)

Wilmington to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Wilmington and nearby cities in the United States.

From Wilmington, DE Population Distance
SW to Bear, DE19,3719.9 Mi (15.9 Km) 13.8 Mi (22.1 Km)
WSW to Newark, DE31,45411.8 Mi (19 Km) 15.3 Mi (24.6 Km)
NE to Chester, PA33,97212.4 Mi (20 Km) 15.8 Mi (25.4 Km)
NNW to West Chester, PA18,46115.7 Mi (25.3 Km) 18.2 Mi (29.3 Km)
NE to Springfield, PA23,36317.6 Mi (28.4 Km) 23.4 Mi (37.7 Km)

Wilmington to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Wilmington and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Wilmington, DE Population Distance
ENE to Edgemoor, DE5,6772.3 Mi (3.6 Km) 2.8 Mi (4.5 Km)
NE to Bellefonte, DE1,1933 Mi (4.8 Km) 4 Mi (6.4 Km)
W to Elsmere, DE6,1313.1 Mi (5 Km) 4.2 Mi (6.7 Km)
E to Penns Grove, NJ5,1473.9 Mi (6.2 Km) 17.4 Mi (28 Km)
WSW to Newport, DE1,0554.1 Mi (6.6 Km) 7.4 Mi (11.8 Km)

Wilmington to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Wilmington to major cities in Delaware.

From Wilmington, DE Population Distance
SSW to Middletown, DE18,87122.1 Mi (35.6 Km) 29.2 Mi (47 Km)
S to Dover, DE36,04740.2 Mi (64.6 Km) 52.7 Mi (84.8 Km)
Wilmington to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Wilmington to major cities in Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

From Wilmington, DE Population Distance
NE to Philadelphia, PA1,526,00624.8 Mi (39.8 Km) 32.7 Mi (52.6 Km)
WSW to Baltimore, MD620,96165 Mi (104.7 Km) 71.6 Mi (115.2 Km)
NE to Newark, NJ277,14099.7 Mi (160.5 Km) 119.3 Mi (191.9 Km)