Distance from West Palm Beach, FL to Nearby Cities

The distance from West Palm Beach to the nearest city Riviera Beach is 4.6 miles or 7.4 kilometers away. The nearest town Palm Beach is 1.6 miles or 2.7 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near West Palm Beach; Hialeah being the closest is 68.4 miles or 110.1 kilometers away.

West Palm Beach is also near the Georgia state border; Atlanta in Georgia is 598.1 miles or 962.6 kilometers away.

West Palm Beach Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
West Palm Beach Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 1.2 Mi (1.9 Km)

West Palm Beach to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between West Palm Beach and nearby cities in the United States.

From West Palm Beach, FL Population Distance
N to Riviera Beach, FL32,4884.2 Mi (6.7 Km) 4.6 Mi (7.4 Km)
SSW to Palm Springs, FL18,9286.1 Mi (9.8 Km) 7.4 Mi (11.9 Km)
S to Lake Worth, FL34,9106.9 Mi (11.1 Km) 10.1 Mi (16.3 Km)
SW to Greenacres, FL32,9637.9 Mi (12.7 Km) 10.6 Mi (17.1 Km)
NW to Palm Beach Gardens, FL48,4529.1 Mi (14.7 Km) 13.7 Mi (22.1 Km)

West Palm Beach to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between West Palm Beach and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From West Palm Beach, FL Population Distance
ESE to Palm Beach, FL8,3481.2 Mi (2 Km) 1.6 Mi (2.7 Km)
NNW to Mangonia Park, FL1,8883.4 Mi (5.4 Km) 4.2 Mi (6.7 Km)
W to Schall Circle, FL1,1173.8 Mi (6.1 Km) 5.3 Mi (8.6 Km)
WSW to Haverhill, FL1,8734.4 Mi (7.1 Km) 5.6 Mi (9.1 Km)
NNE to Palm Beach Shores, FL1,1424.5 Mi (7.2 Km) 6.5 Mi (10.5 Km)

West Palm Beach to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from West Palm Beach to major cities in Florida.

From West Palm Beach, FL Population Distance
SSW to Hialeah, FL224,66960.9 Mi (98 Km) 68.4 Mi (110.1 Km)
NNW to Orlando, FL238,300149.9 Mi (241.2 Km) 170.3 Mi (274.1 Km)
WNW to Tampa, FL335,709170.5 Mi (274.4 Km) 206.1 Mi (331.6 Km)
WNW to Saint Petersburg, FL244,769173.6 Mi (279.4 Km) 203.4 Mi (327.3 Km)
NNW to Jacksonville, FL821,784268.2 Mi (431.7 Km) 284.1 Mi (457.2 Km)
West Palm Beach to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from West Palm Beach to major cities in Georgia and Alabama.

From West Palm Beach, FL Population Distance
NNW to Atlanta, GA420,003550.6 Mi (886.1 Km) 598.1 Mi (962.6 Km)
NW to Birmingham, AL212,237619.3 Mi (996.7 Km) 744.1 Mi (1197.5 Km)