Distance from Washington, DC to Nearby Cities

The distance from Washington to the nearest city Chillum is 6.2 miles or 10 kilometers away. The nearest town Mt Rainier is 5 miles or 8.1 kilometers away. 3 major cities are near Washington; New York being the closest is 224.8 miles or 361.7 kilometers away.

Washington is also near the Maryland state border; Baltimore in Maryland is 38.5 miles or 61.9 kilometers away.

Washington Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Washington Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 4.5 Mi (7.2 Km)

Washington to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Washington and nearby cities in the United States.

From Washington, DC Population Distance
NNE to Chillum, MD33,5134.6 Mi (7.4 Km) 6.2 Mi (10 Km)
NNE to Takoma Park, MD16,7155.1 Mi (8.3 Km) 6.5 Mi (10.5 Km)
NE to Hyattsville, MD17,5576 Mi (9.6 Km) 6.5 Mi (10.4 Km)
NNW to Bethesda, MD60,8586.2 Mi (10 Km) 6.7 Mi (10.9 Km)
NNE to Langley Park, MD18,7556.4 Mi (10.3 Km) 7.8 Mi (12.5 Km)

Washington to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Washington and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Washington, DC Population Distance
ENE to Mt Rainier, MD8,0804.5 Mi (7.3 Km) 5 Mi (8.1 Km)
ENE to Brentwood, MD3,0465 Mi (8 Km) 5.3 Mi (8.5 Km)
WNW to Brookmont, MD3,4685.1 Mi (8.2 Km) 6.5 Mi (10.5 Km)
NW to Somerset, MD1,2165.2 Mi (8.3 Km) 6.4 Mi (10.3 Km)
ENE to Colmar Manor, MD1,4045.2 Mi (8.4 Km) 5.7 Mi (9.2 Km)

Washington to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Washington to major cities in the United States.

From Washington, DC Population Distance
NE to New York, NY8,175,133203.6 Mi (327.7 Km) 224.8 Mi (361.7 Km)
WNW to Chicago, IL2,695,598593.7 Mi (955.5 Km) 698.3 Mi (1123.8 Km)
W to Los Angeles, CA3,792,6212294.7 Mi (3693 Km) 2668.9 Mi (4295.2 Km)
Washington to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Washington to major cities in Maryland and Virginia.

From Washington, DC Population Distance
NE to Baltimore, MD620,96134.9 Mi (56.2 Km) 38.5 Mi (61.9 Km)
SSW to Richmond, VA204,21496.9 Mi (155.9 Km) 108.7 Mi (174.9 Km)