Distance from Virovitica to Nearby Cities

The distance from Virovitica to the nearest city Bjelovar is 64.3 kilometers or 40 miles away. The nearest town Rezovac is 4.3 kilometers or 2.7 miles away. 5 major cities are near Virovitica; Osijek being the closest is 123.9 kilometers or 77 miles away.

Virovitica is also 84.4 kilometers or 52.4 miles from Kaposvár in Hungary.

Virovitica Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Virovitica Distances
Nearby Location(s): 19
Nearest Location: 3.5 Km (2.2 Mi)

Virovitica to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Virovitica and nearby cities in Croatia.

From Virovitica Population Distance
W to Bjelovar28,27542.7 Km (26.6 Mi) 64.3 Km (40 Mi)
NW to Koprivnica25,57956.4 Km (35.1 Mi) 63.5 Km (39.4 Mi)
SSE to Požega21,15360 Km (37.3 Mi) 90.7 Km (56.4 Mi)
WSW to Sisak35,74887.6 Km (54.5 Mi) 113.4 Km (70.5 Mi)
SE to Slavonski Brod60,74288.9 Km (55.3 Mi) 127.2 Km (79.1 Mi)

Virovitica to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Virovitica and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Croatia.

From Virovitica Population Distance
SE to Rezovac1,3483.5 Km (2.2 Mi) 4.3 Km (2.7 Mi)
WNW to Špišić Bukovica?7.1 Km (4.4 Mi) 8.3 Km (5.1 Mi)
ESE to Suhopolje2,8799.3 Km (5.7 Mi) 10.3 Km (6.4 Mi)
NW to Pitomača5,74017.7 Km (11 Mi) 20.9 Km (13 Mi)
SW to 432902,89021.9 Km (13.6 Mi) 26.2 Km (16.3 Mi)

Virovitica to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Virovitica to major cities in Virovitica-Podravina County.

From Virovitica Population Distance
ESE to Osijek88,140106.3 Km (66.1 Mi) 123.9 Km (77 Mi)
W to Zagreb698,966108.8 Km (67.6 Mi) 151.5 Km (94.1 Mi)
WSW to Rijeka141,172235.9 Km (146.6 Mi) 309.3 Km (192.2 Mi)
SW to Zadar71,258254.9 Km (158.4 Mi) 434.2 Km (269.8 Mi)
SSW to Split176,314269 Km (167.2 Mi) 557.7 Km (346.5 Mi)
Virovitica to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Virovitica to major cities in bordering Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia.

From Virovitica Population Distance
NNE to Kaposvár Hungary67,74666.7 Km (41.5 Mi) 84.4 Km (52.4 Mi)
SSW to Prijedor Bosnia and Herzegovina36,347108.8 Km (67.6 Mi) 141.9 Km (88.2 Mi)
E to Apatin Serbia18,320125.3 Km (77.9 Mi) 180 Km (111.8 Mi)
WNW to Ptuj Slovenia18,164133.9 Km (83.2 Mi) 152.6 Km (94.8 Mi)