Distance from Vileyka to Nearby Cities

The distance from Vileyka to the nearest city Maladzyechna is 24.6 kilometers or 15.3 miles away. The nearest town Nasilava is 29.2 kilometers or 18.1 miles away. 4 major cities are near Vileyka; Zhodzina being the closest is 123.6 kilometers or 76.8 miles away.

Vileyka is also 128.5 kilometers or 79.9 miles from Vilnius in Lithuania.

Vileyka Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Vileyka Distances
Nearby Location(s): 16
Nearest Location: 21.4 Km (13.3 Mi)

Vileyka to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Vileyka and nearby cities in Belarus.

From Vileyka Population Distance
SSW to Maladzyechna101,30021.4 Km (13.3 Mi) 24.6 Km (15.3 Mi)
W to Smarhoń36,90033.8 Km (21 Mi) 42.3 Km (26.3 Mi)
N to Pastavy20,21868.6 Km (42.6 Mi) 80.9 Km (50.3 Mi)
SSE to Minsk1,742,12478.1 Km (48.5 Mi) 96.3 Km (59.8 Mi)
SSE to Malinaŭka105,00078.3 Km (48.7 Mi) 97.1 Km (60.4 Mi)

Vileyka to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Vileyka and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Belarus.

From Vileyka Population Distance
SSW to Nasilava1,25922.9 Km (14.2 Mi) 29.2 Km (18.1 Mi)
ESE to Ilya1,80025.7 Km (16 Mi) 33.2 Km (20.6 Mi)
N to Myadzyel10,00042.4 Km (26.4 Mi) 46.9 Km (29.1 Mi)
SSE to Radaškovičy5,70043 Km (26.7 Mi) 54.2 Km (33.7 Mi)
W to Soly1,84047.1 Km (29.3 Mi) 58.5 Km (36.4 Mi)

Vileyka to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Vileyka to major cities in Minsk Region.

From Vileyka Population Distance
ESE to Zhodzina61,007102.6 Km (63.7 Mi) 123.6 Km (76.8 Mi)
ESE to Barysaw100,000107.7 Km (66.9 Mi) 140.4 Km (87.2 Mi)
SSE to Slutsk62,228169.5 Km (105.3 Mi) 198.2 Km (123.2 Mi)
SSE to Salihorsk101,614194.3 Km (120.7 Mi) 230.4 Km (143.2 Mi)
Vileyka to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Vileyka to major cities in bordering Latvia and Lithuania.

From Vileyka Population Distance
W to Vilnius Lithuania542,366107.8 Km (67 Mi) 128.5 Km (79.9 Mi)
N to Daugavpils Latvia111,564155.4 Km (96.5 Mi) 202.4 Km (125.8 Mi)