Vila Real is also 186.6 kilometers or 116 miles from Tui in Spain.
Vila Real Summary:
- The coordinates for Vila Real are 41.301035 -7.7422354.
- The Europe/Lisbon timezone is observed in Vila Real.
- The elevation for Vila Real is 456.26 Meters (1496.93 Feet).
Vila Real Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 15 |
Nearest Location: | 10.8 Km (6.7 Mi) |
Vila Real to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Vila Real and nearby cities in Portugal.
From Vila Real | Population | Distance | |
WNW to 4820 Fafe | 16,868 | 39.6 Km (24.6 Mi) | 80.5 Km (50 Mi) |
ESE to Custóias | 19,406 | 42 Km (26.1 Mi) | 91.2 Km (56.7 Mi) |
WNW to Guimaraes | 40,604 | 48.5 Km (30.1 Mi) | 97.3 Km (60.4 Mi) |
WNW to Braga | 121,394 | 63.2 Km (39.3 Mi) | 117.1 Km (72.8 Mi) |
WSW to Valongo | 21,328 | 64.5 Km (40.1 Mi) | 83.5 Km (51.9 Mi) |
Vila Real to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Vila Real and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Portugal.
From Vila Real | Population | Distance | |
SSW to 5030 Santa Marta de Penaguião | ? | 10.7 Km (6.7 Mi) | 18.8 Km (11.7 Mi) |
ESE to Sabrosa | ? | 14.4 Km (9 Mi) | 24.2 Km (15 Mi) |
SE to Vilela | 5,540 | 14.4 Km (9 Mi) | 28.9 Km (17.9 Mi) |
SSW to Godim | 4,919 | 15.3 Km (9.5 Mi) | 33.4 Km (20.7 Mi) |
SSW to Peso da Régua | 5,048 | 15.6 Km (9.7 Mi) | 29.7 Km (18.5 Mi) |
Vila Real to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Vila Real to major cities in Vila Real.
From Vila Real | Population | Distance | |
WSW to Porto | 249,633 | 75.9 Km (47.1 Mi) | 98.6 Km (61.2 Mi) |
SSW to Amadora | 178,858 | 309.8 Km (192.5 Mi) | 386.4 Km (240.1 Mi) |
SSW to Lisbon | 517,802 | 310.5 Km (193 Mi) | 382.3 Km (237.5 Mi) |
SSW to Setúbal Municipality | 117,110 | 323.8 Km (201.2 Mi) | 418.2 Km (259.8 Mi) |
Vila Real to Major Cities in Bordering Countries
The list below shows the distance from Vila Real to Spain.