Distance from Veliko Tarnovo to Nearby Cities

The distance from Veliko Tarnovo to the nearest city Gorna Oryahovitsa is 10.3 kilometers or 6.4 miles away. The nearest town Debelets is 5.9 kilometers or 3.7 miles away. The nearest major city Svishtov is 82.2 kilometers or 51.1 miles away.

Veliko Tarnovo is also 181.8 kilometers or 113 miles from Zimnicea 145400 in Romania.

Veliko Tarnovo Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Veliko Tarnovo Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 3.5 Km (2.2 Mi)

Veliko Tarnovo to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Veliko Tarnovo and nearby cities in Bulgaria.

From Veliko Tarnovo Population Distance
NE to Gorna Oryahovitsa38,5537.7 Km (4.8 Mi) 10.3 Km (6.4 Mi)
SW to Gabrovo66,17533 Km (20.5 Mi) 44.7 Km (27.8 Mi)
W to Sevlievo24,58242.1 Km (26.2 Mi) 45 Km (28 Mi)
SSW to Kazanluk55,19653.9 Km (33.5 Mi) 99.1 Km (61.6 Mi)
ENE to 7800 Popovo16,57158 Km (36.1 Mi) 74.3 Km (46.2 Mi)

Veliko Tarnovo to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Veliko Tarnovo and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Bulgaria.

From Veliko Tarnovo Population Distance
S to Debelets4,4183.6 Km (2.2 Mi) 5.9 Km (3.7 Mi)
S to 5050 Kilifarevo2,4979 Km (5.6 Mi) 10.9 Km (6.8 Mi)
ENE to 5140 Lyaskovets8,4889.1 Km (5.6 Mi) 12.3 Km (7.6 Mi)
NNE to 5139 Parvomaytsi2,8679.1 Km (5.7 Mi) 15.4 Km (9.6 Mi)
SW to Dryanovo8,34615.7 Km (9.8 Mi) 24.3 Km (15.1 Mi)

Veliko Tarnovo to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Veliko Tarnovo to major cities in Veliko Tarnovo Province.

From Veliko Tarnovo Population Distance
NNW to Svishtov32,25664.1 Km (39.8 Mi) 82.2 Km (51.1 Mi)
Veliko Tarnovo to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Veliko Tarnovo to major cities in bordering Greece, Romania and Turkey.

From Veliko Tarnovo Population Distance
NNW to Zimnicea 145400 Romania15,22868 Km (42.2 Mi) 181.8 Km (113 Mi)
SSE to Edirne Turkey126,470173.6 Km (107.9 Mi) 239.8 Km (149 Mi)
SSE to Orestias 682 00 Greece16,221190.6 Km (118.4 Mi) 257.7 Km (160.1 Mi)