Distance from Van to Nearby Cities

The distance from Van to the nearest city Erciş is 102.3 kilometers or 63.5 miles away. The nearest town Edremit is 16.9 kilometers or 10.5 miles away.

Van is also 201 kilometers or 124.9 miles from Salmas in Iran.

Van Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Van Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 14.5 Km (9 Mi)

Van to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Van and nearby cities in Turkey.

From Van Population Distance
N to Erciş91,91558.7 Km (36.5 Mi) 102.3 Km (63.5 Mi)
WNW to Adilcevaz52,78164.8 Km (40.3 Mi) 168.5 Km (104.7 Mi)
WNW to Ahlat64,69582 Km (51 Mi) 175.9 Km (109.3 Mi)
WSW to Hizan15,30287.9 Km (54.6 Mi) 121 Km (75.2 Mi)
NNW to Patnos87,45192.6 Km (57.6 Mi) 151.3 Km (94 Mi)

Van to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Van and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Turkey.

From Van Population Distance
SW to Edremit7,46414.4 Km (9 Mi) 16.9 Km (10.5 Mi)
S to Gürpınar?19.9 Km (12.4 Mi) 25.8 Km (16 Mi)
NE to Erçek?30.2 Km (18.8 Mi) 33.7 Km (20.9 Mi)
SW to Gevaş11,87932.5 Km (20.2 Mi) 39.3 Km (24.4 Mi)
ESE to Güzelsu Bucağı?42.5 Km (26.4 Mi) 61.2 Km (38 Mi)

Van to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Van to major cities in bordering Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Iraq.

From Van Population Distance
ESE to Salmas Iran81,606126.4 Km (78.5 Mi) 201 Km (124.9 Mi)
SSW to Zakho Iraq95,052162.3 Km (100.9 Mi) 449.8 Km (279.5 Mi)
NE to Ararat Armenia28,832188.8 Km (117.3 Mi) 702.7 Km (436.6 Mi)
ENE to Nakhchivan Azerbaijan64,754192.7 Km (119.7 Mi) 387.2 Km (240.6 Mi)