Distance from Valencia to Nearby Cities

The distance from Valencia center to the nearest city Mislata is 6.4 kilometers or 4 miles away. The nearest town Tavernes Blanques is 6 kilometers or 3.7 miles away. 5 major cities are near Valencia; Castellón de la Plana being the closest is 74 kilometers or 46 miles away.

Valencia Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Valencia Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 3.7 Km (2.3 Mi)

Valencia to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Valencia and nearby cities in Spain.

From Valencia Population Distance
W to Mislata43,7563.7 Km (2.3 Mi) 6.4 Km (4 Mi)
NNE to Alboraia22,4053.9 Km (2.4 Mi) 6.3 Km (3.9 Mi)
W to Xirivella30,6914.7 Km (2.9 Mi) 5.8 Km (3.6 Mi)
SSW to 46910 Benetússer15,3135.4 Km (3.4 Mi) 9.1 Km (5.7 Mi)
NW to Burjassot38,4335.5 Km (3.4 Mi) 8.5 Km (5.3 Mi)

Valencia to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Valencia and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Spain.

From Valencia Population Distance
NNE to Tavernes Blanques9,0334.3 Km (2.6 Mi) 6 Km (3.7 Mi)
S to Sedaví8,7785.1 Km (3.2 Mi) 7.8 Km (4.8 Mi)
N to Bonrepòs I Mirambell?5.4 Km (3.4 Mi) 7.4 Km (4.6 Mi)
SW to 46210 Picanya11,0536.5 Km (4 Mi) 7.6 Km (4.7 Mi)
NNW to Godella13,2406.8 Km (4.3 Mi) 10.2 Km (6.3 Mi)

Valencia to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Valencia to major cities in Valencian Community.

From Valencia Population Distance
NNE to Castellón de la Plana180,00563.8 Km (39.7 Mi) 74 Km (46 Mi)
S to Alicante334,757125.4 Km (77.9 Mi) 166.1 Km (103.2 Mi)
SSW to Elx230,112136.6 Km (84.9 Mi) 175.2 Km (108.9 Mi)
SSW to Orihuela86,164161.8 Km (100.5 Mi) 206.9 Km (128.6 Mi)
S to Torrevieja101,792167.3 Km (104 Mi) 213.4 Km (132.6 Mi)