Distance from Uyo to Nearby Cities

The distance from Uyo to the nearest city Itu is 26.1 kilometers or 16.2 miles away. The nearest town Nung Udoe is 16.6 kilometers or 10.3 miles away.

Uyo is also 466.1 kilometers or 289.6 miles from Bamusso in Cameroon.

Uyo Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Uyo Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 14.5 Km (9 Mi)

Uyo to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Uyo and nearby cities in Nigeria.

From Uyo Population Distance
NNE to Itu36,35819.5 Km (12.1 Mi) 26.1 Km (16.2 Mi)
NW to Ikot Ekpene254,80626.7 Km (16.6 Mi) 28 Km (17.4 Mi)
S to Eket25,56943.6 Km (27.1 Mi) 52 Km (32.3 Mi)
SE to Oron112,03344.2 Km (27.5 Mi) 55 Km (34.2 Mi)
E to Calabar461,79648 Km (29.8 Mi) 92.5 Km (57.5 Mi)

Uyo to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Uyo and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Nigeria.

From Uyo Population Distance
SSE to Nung Udoe?14.5 Km (9 Mi) 16.6 Km (10.3 Mi)
WSW to Abak12,56215.8 Km (9.8 Mi) 20 Km (12.5 Mi)
SE to Idu?15.9 Km (9.9 Mi) 24.6 Km (15.3 Mi)
N to Oko Ita?19.3 Km (12 Mi) 28.4 Km (17.7 Mi)
SSW to Etinan10,31822.6 Km (14 Mi) 28.2 Km (17.5 Mi)

Uyo to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Uyo to Cameroon.

From Uyo Population Distance
ESE to Bamusso Cameroon24,741132.5 Km (82.3 Mi) 466.1 Km (289.6 Mi)