Distance from tp. Vĩnh Yên to Nearby Cities

The distance from tp. Vĩnh Yên to the nearest city tp. Việt Trì is 31.6 kilometers or 19.6 miles away. The nearest town Hương Canh is 8.6 kilometers or 5.4 miles away. 5 major cities are near tp. Vĩnh Yên; Hai Phong being the closest is 177.8 kilometers or 110.5 miles away.

tp. Vĩnh Yên is also 348 kilometers or 216.2 miles from Sam Nuea in Laos.

tp. Vĩnh Yên Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
tp. Vĩnh Yên Distances
Nearby Location(s): 16
Nearest Location: 6.6 Km (4.1 Mi)

tp. Vĩnh Yên to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between tp. Vĩnh Yên and nearby cities in Vietnam.

From tp. Vĩnh Yên Population Distance
W to tp. Việt Trì93,47524.8 Km (15.4 Mi) 31.6 Km (19.6 Mi)
SE to Sơn Tây40,63637.6 Km (23.3 Mi) 51.8 Km (32.2 Mi)
NE to tp. Thái Nguyên133,87737.6 Km (23.4 Mi) 89.9 Km (55.9 Mi)
SE to Hanoi1,431,27038.2 Km (23.7 Mi) 53.1 Km (33 Mi)
SSE to Hà Đông50,87741.1 Km (25.5 Mi) 59.4 Km (36.9 Mi)

tp. Vĩnh Yên to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between tp. Vĩnh Yên and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Vietnam.

From tp. Vĩnh Yên Population Distance
SE to Hương Canh?6.7 Km (4.1 Mi) 8.6 Km (5.4 Mi)
SSW to tt. Yên Lạc?6.9 Km (4.3 Mi) 10.7 Km (6.6 Mi)
NW to Hợp Hòa?11.7 Km (7.3 Mi) 22.2 Km (13.8 Mi)
SW to Vĩnh Tường?13 Km (8.1 Mi) 19.2 Km (11.9 Mi)
S to Phúc Thọ?19.3 Km (12 Mi) 39.2 Km (24.3 Mi)

tp. Vĩnh Yên to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from tp. Vĩnh Yên to major cities in Vĩnh Phúc.

From tp. Vĩnh Yên Population Distance
ESE to Hai Phong602,695123.1 Km (76.5 Mi) 177.8 Km (110.5 Mi)
SSE to tp. Huế287,217577.1 Km (358.6 Mi) 715.6 Km (444.7 Mi)
SSE to Da Nang752,493644.1 Km (400.2 Mi) 906.4 Km (563.2 Mi)
S to Bien Hoa407,2081157.6 Km (719.3 Mi) 1784.9 Km (1109.1 Mi)
S to Hồ Chí Minh3,467,3311170.1 Km (727.1 Mi) 1798.2 Km (1117.4 Mi)
tp. Vĩnh Yên to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from tp. Vĩnh Yên to Laos.

From tp. Vĩnh Yên Population Distance
WSW to Sam Nuea Laos38,992189.2 Km (117.6 Mi) 348 Km (216.2 Mi)