Distance from Tianshui to Nearby Cities

The distance from Tianshui center to the nearest city Pingliang is 241.6 kilometers or 150.1 miles away. The nearest town Xingguozhen is 41.9 kilometers or 26 miles away. 2 major cities are near Tianshui; Wuwei being the closest is 572.1 kilometers or 355.5 miles away.

Tianshui Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Tianshui Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 31.5 Km (19.6 Mi)

Tianshui to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Tianshui and nearby cities in China.

From Tianshui Population Distance
NE to Pingliang108,156137 Km (85.2 Mi) 241.6 Km (150.1 Mi)
E to Guozhen85,415154.6 Km (96 Mi) 202.2 Km (125.6 Mi)
SE to Hanzhong145,986206.7 Km (128.4 Mi) 347.6 Km (216 Mi)
WNW to Chengguanzhen202,402235.5 Km (146.4 Mi) 314.9 Km (195.6 Mi)
NW to Lanzhou2,628,426237.8 Km (147.8 Mi) 306.3 Km (190.3 Mi)
S to Guangyuan213,365238.9 Km (148.4 Mi) 427.5 Km (265.6 Mi)
NW to Baiyin188,533261.4 Km (162.4 Mi) 375.1 Km (233.1 Mi)
E to Xianyang1,034,081275.1 Km (170.9 Mi) 329 Km (204.4 Mi)
E to Xi'an6,501,190296 Km (184 Mi) 353.1 Km (219.4 Mi)
E to Tongchuan223,603296.4 Km (184.2 Mi) 418 Km (259.8 Mi)

Tianshui to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Tianshui and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in China.

From Tianshui Population Distance
N to Xingguozhen?31.6 Km (19.6 Mi) 41.9 Km (26 Mi)
NE to Zhangjiachuan?63 Km (39.2 Mi) 95.3 Km (59.2 Mi)
S to Niyangzhen?85.8 Km (53.3 Mi) 109.8 Km (68.2 Mi)
N to Wei Rong Cun?87.5 Km (54.4 Mi) 120.8 Km (75 Mi)
SW to Zhongbaxiang?88.6 Km (55 Mi) 124.5 Km (77.4 Mi)

Tianshui to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Tianshui to major cities in Gansu.

From Tianshui Population Distance
NW to Wuwei493,092463.9 Km (288.3 Mi) 572.1 Km (355.5 Mi)
NW to Jinchang144,363540.1 Km (335.6 Mi) 672.1 Km (417.6 Mi)