Thakhèk is also 31.3 kilometers or 19.5 miles from Nakhon Phanom in Thailand.
Thakhèk Summary:
- The coordinates for Thakhèk are 17.403021 104.8337879.
- The Asia/Vientiane timezone is observed in Thakhèk.
- The elevation for Thakhèk is 161.25 Meters (529.04 Feet).
Thakhèk Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 15 |
Nearest Location: | 6.9 Km (4.3 Mi) |
Thakhèk to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Thakhèk and nearby cities in Laos.
From Thakhèk | Population | Distance | |
S to Savannakhet | 66,553 | 92.6 Km (57.6 Mi) | 128.9 Km (80.1 Mi) |
NW to Paksan | 21,967 | 166 Km (103.1 Mi) | 190.8 Km (118.6 Mi) |
WNW to Vientiane | 196,731 | 267.6 Km (166.3 Mi) | |
SSE to Pakse | 88,332 | 275.8 Km (171.4 Mi) | 336.5 Km (209.1 Mi) |
NW to Phonsavan | 37,507 | 286.7 Km (178.1 Mi) | 380.5 Km (236.4 Mi) |
Thakhèk to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Thakhèk and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Laos.
From Thakhèk | Population | Distance | |
SE to Salavan | 5,521 | 252.1 Km (156.7 Mi) | 336.2 Km (208.9 Mi) |
SSE to Muang Phônthong | ? | 270.9 Km (168.3 Mi) | 353.8 Km (219.8 Mi) |
SE to Thateng | ? | 274.7 Km (170.7 Mi) | 371 Km (230.5 Mi) |
WNW to Phônhông | 10,112 | 283.5 Km (176.2 Mi) | 380.7 Km (236.5 Mi) |
SSE to Paksong | ? | 289.3 Km (179.7 Mi) | 383.8 Km (238.5 Mi) |
SSE to Muang Champassak | 12,994 | 299.1 Km (185.8 Mi) | 367.9 Km (228.6 Mi) |
Thakhèk to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Thakhèk to major cities in Khammouane.
From Thakhèk | Population | Distance | |
NNW to Sam Nuea | 38,992 | 345.3 Km (214.6 Mi) | 702.2 Km (436.3 Mi) |
NW to Muang Xai | 25,000 | 472.6 Km (293.6 Mi) | 840.3 Km (522.1 Mi) |
Thakhèk to Major Cities in Bordering Countries
The list below shows the distance from Thakhèk to major cities in bordering Thailand and Vietnam.