Distance from Tamworth NSW 2340 to Nearby Cities

The distance from Tamworth NSW 2340 to the nearest city Armidale NSW 2350 is 111.3 kilometers or 69.2 miles away. The nearest town East Tamworth NSW 2340 is 1.3 kilometers or 0.8 miles away. 3 major cities are near Tamworth NSW 2340; Orange NSW 2800 being the closest is 425.3 kilometers or 264.3 miles away.

Tamworth NSW 2340 Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Tamworth NSW 2340 Distances
Nearby Location(s): 18
Nearest Location: 1 Km (0.6 Mi)

Tamworth NSW 2340 to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Tamworth NSW 2340 and nearby cities in Australia.

From Tamworth NSW 2340 Population Distance
NE to Armidale NSW 235022,67395.2 Km (59.2 Mi) 111.3 Km (69.2 Mi)
ESE to Taree NSW 243016,621171.4 Km (106.5 Mi) 259.5 Km (161.2 Mi)
E to Port Macquarie NSW 244441,491191.8 Km (119.2 Mi) 272.8 Km (169.5 Mi)
SSE to Maitland NSW67,132192.1 Km (119.3 Mi) 260.4 Km (161.8 Mi)
SE to Forster NSW 242817,591192.6 Km (119.7 Mi) 254.6 Km (158.2 Mi)
SSE to Cessnock NSW 232516,393198 Km (123.1 Mi) 249.2 Km (154.8 Mi)
SSE to Port Stephens27,531205.7 Km (127.8 Mi) 318.5 Km (197.9 Mi)
SSE to Newcastle NSW308,308219.3 Km (136.3 Mi) 281.3 Km (174.8 Mi)
ENE to Coffs Harbour NSW 245026,353226.9 Km (141 Mi) 298.8 Km (185.7 Mi)
NE to South Grafton NSW 246016,399246.5 Km (153.2 Mi) 305.7 Km (189.9 Mi)

Tamworth NSW 2340 to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Tamworth NSW 2340 and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Australia.

From Tamworth NSW 2340 Population Distance
NE to East Tamworth NSW 23402,6211 Km (0.6 Mi) 1.3 Km (0.8 Mi)
SSW to South Tamworth NSW 23406,7412.2 Km (1.3 Mi) 3.4 Km (2.1 Mi)
WSW to Phillip1,9098.8 Km (5.5 Mi) 10.6 Km (6.6 Mi)
ENE to Kootingal NSW 23522,30612.5 Km (7.8 Mi) 17.9 Km (11.1 Mi)
NNW to Manilla NSW 23462,08143.1 Km (26.8 Mi) 44.6 Km (27.7 Mi)

Tamworth NSW 2340 to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Tamworth NSW 2340 to major cities in New South Wales.

From Tamworth NSW 2340 Population Distance
SW to Orange NSW 280039,329298.5 Km (185.5 Mi) 425.3 Km (264.3 Mi)
S to Sydney NSW4,627,345309.9 Km (192.6 Mi) 405.1 Km (251.7 Mi)
SSW to Albury NSW 264045,627667.9 Km (415 Mi) 833.8 Km (518.1 Mi)