Distance from Tafo to Nearby Cities

The distance from Tafo to the nearest city Mampong is 48.6 kilometers or 30.2 miles away. The nearest town Mamponteng is 9.3 kilometers or 5.8 miles away. The nearest major city Kumasi is 14.6 kilometers or 9.1 miles away.

Tafo is also 255.8 kilometers or 159 miles from Agnibilekrou in Ivory Coast.

Tafo Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Tafo Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 6.9 Km (4.3 Mi)

Tafo to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Tafo and nearby cities in Ghana.

From Tafo Population Distance
NNE to Mampong42,03742.1 Km (26.2 Mi) 48.6 Km (30.2 Mi)
ESE to Konongo41,23846 Km (28.6 Mi) 54.6 Km (33.9 Mi)
E to Agogo31,55458.2 Km (36.2 Mi) 76.4 Km (47.5 Mi)
S to Obuasi137,85660.2 Km (37.4 Mi) 69.4 Km (43.1 Mi)
NNE to Ejura70,80777.2 Km (48 Mi) 88.6 Km (55.1 Mi)

Tafo to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Tafo and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Ghana.

From Tafo Population Distance
NE to Mamponteng?7 Km (4.3 Mi) 9.3 Km (5.8 Mi)
S to Bekwai4,26031.6 Km (19.6 Mi) 45.2 Km (28.1 Mi)
NW to Bechem14,39160.7 Km (37.7 Mi) 83.8 Km (52.1 Mi)
NW to Duayaw Nkwanta14,22773.4 Km (45.6 Mi) 97.9 Km (60.8 Mi)

Tafo to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Tafo to major cities in Ashanti.

From Tafo Population Distance
S to Kumasi1,468,6097.8 Km (4.8 Mi) 14.6 Km (9.1 Mi)
Tafo to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Tafo to Ivory Coast.

From Tafo Population Distance
WNW to Agnibilekrou Ivory Coast43,061181.5 Km (112.8 Mi) 255.8 Km (159 Mi)