Distance from Soacha to Nearby Cities

The distance from Soacha to the nearest city Sibaté is 13.6 kilometers or 8.5 miles away. The nearest town San Antonio del Tequendama is 32.5 kilometers or 20.2 miles away. 4 major cities are near Soacha; Facatativá being the closest is 46.1 kilometers or 28.6 miles away.

Soacha Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Soacha Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 12.1 Km (7.5 Mi)

Soacha to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Soacha and nearby cities in Colombia.

From Soacha Population Distance
SSW to Sibaté23,20812.1 Km (7.5 Mi) 13.6 Km (8.5 Mi)
N to Mosquera27,00513.9 Km (8.6 Mi) 26.2 Km (16.3 Mi)
N to Funza54,42114.9 Km (9.3 Mi) 29.6 Km (18.4 Mi)
E to Bogotá7,674,36615.2 Km (9.4 Mi) 17.2 Km (10.7 Mi)
NNW to Madrid50,43717.7 Km (11 Mi) 30.7 Km (19.1 Mi)

Soacha to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Soacha and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Colombia.

From Soacha Population Distance
WNW to San Antonio del Tequendama1,57716 Km (9.9 Mi) 32.5 Km (20.2 Mi)
ENE to San Luis2,00017.3 Km (10.8 Mi) 19.9 Km (12.4 Mi)
NW to Bojacá4,39922 Km (13.7 Mi) 27.4 Km (17 Mi)
SE to Chipaque2,70724.1 Km (15 Mi) 36.4 Km (22.6 Mi)
NW to Zipacón1,48027.1 Km (16.8 Mi) 51.5 Km (32 Mi)

Soacha to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Soacha to major cities in Cundinamarca.

From Soacha Population Distance
NNW to Facatativá94,61129.8 Km (18.5 Mi) 46.1 Km (28.6 Mi)
SSW to Fusagasugá88,82031.2 Km (19.4 Mi) 51.7 Km (32.1 Mi)
NNE to Zipaquirá91,23554.6 Km (33.9 Mi) 66.4 Km (41.2 Mi)
WSW to Girardot130,28972.5 Km (45.1 Mi) 115.8 Km (72 Mi)