Sil-Li is also 177.9 kilometers or 110.6 miles from Kuandian in China.
Sil-Li Summary:
- The coordinates for Sil-Li are 39.828639 126.5151395.
- The Asia/Pyongyang timezone is observed in Sil-Li.
- The elevation for Sil-Li is 222.39 Meters (729.62 Feet).
Sil-Li Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 9 |
Nearest Location: | 41.7 Km (25.9 Mi) |
Sil-Li to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Sil-Li and nearby cities in North Korea.
From Sil-Li | Population | Distance | |
W to Kujang | 19,522 | 41.7 Km (25.9 Mi) | 81.7 Km (50.7 Mi) |
WSW to Anju | 50,196 | 76.4 Km (47.5 Mi) | 107.6 Km (66.9 Mi) |
WSW to Sinanju | 15,693 | 82.3 Km (51.1 Mi) | 114.7 Km (71.3 Mi) |
ENE to Yonggwang | 21,882 | 83.1 Km (51.6 Mi) | 199.1 Km (123.7 Mi) |
SW to Pyŏngsŏng | 100,000 | 84.5 Km (52.5 Mi) | 144.6 Km (89.9 Mi) |
Sil-Li to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Sil-Li and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in North Korea.
From Sil-Li | Population | Distance | |
W to Nyŏngbyŏn | 9,584 | 62.1 Km (38.6 Mi) | 104.8 Km (65.1 Mi) |
SSE to Sangsong-ni | 9,888 | 82.5 Km (51.3 Mi) | 210 Km (130.5 Mi) |
Sil-Li to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Sil-Li to major cities in South Pyongan.
Sil-Li to Major Cities in Bordering Countries
The list below shows the distance from Sil-Li to China.
From Sil-Li | Population | Distance | |
NW to Kuandian China | 70,867 | 177.9 Km (110.6 Mi) |