Sherpur is also 84.5 kilometers or 52.5 miles from Tura in India.
Sherpur Summary:
- The coordinates for Sherpur are 25.019404 90.0137328.
- The Asia/Dhaka timezone is observed in Sherpur.
- The elevation for Sherpur is 23 Meters (75.46 Feet).
Sherpur Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 13 |
Nearest Location: | 12.6 Km (7.8 Mi) |
Sherpur to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Sherpur and nearby cities in Bangladesh.
From Sherpur | Population | Distance | |
SSW to Jamalpur | 167,900 | 12.5 Km (7.8 Mi) | 20.4 Km (12.7 Mi) |
SE to Muktagacha | 24,684 | 37.3 Km (23.2 Mi) | 54.9 Km (34.1 Mi) |
SE to Mymensingh | 225,126 | 49.1 Km (30.5 Mi) | 71.5 Km (44.4 Mi) |
SSW to Sarishabari | 81,325 | 49.8 Km (31 Mi) | 60.3 Km (37.5 Mi) |
WSW to Bogra | 210,000 | 67.8 Km (42.1 Mi) | 190.4 Km (118.3 Mi) |
Sherpur to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Sherpur and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Bangladesh.
From Sherpur | Population | Distance | |
NW to Gaibandha | ? | 58.7 Km (36.5 Mi) | 260.6 Km (161.9 Mi) |
SSW to Magura | ? | 180.9 Km (112.4 Mi) | 308.1 Km (191.5 Mi) |
SW to Nowlamary | 3,500 | 182.7 Km (113.5 Mi) | 272.4 Km (169.2 Mi) |
Sherpur to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Sherpur to major cities in Dhaka Division.
From Sherpur | Population | Distance | |
S to Nagarpur | 238,422 | 107.9 Km (67 Mi) | 129.2 Km (80.3 Mi) |
SSE to Tongi | 337,579 | 131.7 Km (81.9 Mi) | 168.1 Km (104.5 Mi) |
SSE to Dhaka | 10,356,500 | 140.4 Km (87.2 Mi) | 71.5 Km (44.4 Mi) |
SSE to Narsingdi | 281,080 | 141.6 Km (88 Mi) | 184.9 Km (114.9 Mi) |
Sherpur to Major Cities in Bordering Countries
The list below shows the distance from Sherpur to India.