Distance from Seville to Nearby Cities

The distance from Seville to the nearest city 41900 Camas is 8.1 kilometers or 5 miles away. The nearest town Gelves is 9.6 kilometers or 6 miles away. 5 major cities are near Seville; 11402 Jerez de la Frontera being the closest is 91.4 kilometers or 56.8 miles away.

Seville is also 197.8 kilometers or 122.9 miles from Gibraltar GX11 1AA in Gibraltar.

Seville Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Seville Distances
Nearby Location(s): 18
Nearest Location: 4.5 Km (2.8 Mi)

Seville to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Seville and nearby cities in Spain.

From Seville Population Distance
WNW to 41900 Camas26,0154.4 Km (2.8 Mi) 8.1 Km (5 Mi)
SW to San Juan de Aznalfarache20,7795.5 Km (3.4 Mi) 7.5 Km (4.7 Mi)
WSW to Tomares22,7725.6 Km (3.4 Mi) 8 Km (5 Mi)
W to Castilleja de la Cuesta17,1506.3 Km (3.9 Mi) 10.2 Km (6.3 Mi)
SW to Mairena del Aljarafe40,7007.3 Km (4.6 Mi) 9.7 Km (6 Mi)

Seville to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Seville and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Spain.

From Seville Population Distance
SW to Gelves7,8976.5 Km (4 Mi) 9.6 Km (6 Mi)
WNW to 41908 Castilleja de Guzmán2,4056.8 Km (4.2 Mi) 10.6 Km (6.6 Mi)
NW to 41970 Santiponce7,5617.3 Km (4.5 Mi) 13.7 Km (8.5 Mi)
NNW to 41980 La Algaba14,9428.2 Km (5.1 Mi) 18.5 Km (11.5 Mi)
W to Gines12,9348.3 Km (5.1 Mi) 13 Km (8.1 Mi)

Seville to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Seville to major cities in Andalusia.

From Seville Population Distance
S to 11402 Jerez de la Frontera207,53279.3 Km (49.3 Mi) 91.4 Km (56.8 Mi)
ENE to Córdoba328,428119.8 Km (74.4 Mi) 140.6 Km (87.4 Mi)
ESE to Málaga568,305157.4 Km (97.8 Mi) 207.1 Km (128.7 Mi)
E to Granada234,325212.4 Km (132 Mi) 248.2 Km (154.2 Mi)
E to Almería188,810318.3 Km (197.8 Mi) 412.4 Km (256.3 Mi)
Seville to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Seville to major cities in bordering Gibraltar, Morocco and Portugal.

From Seville Population Distance
SSE to Gibraltar GX11 1AA Gibraltar26,544149.8 Km (93.1 Mi) 197.8 Km (122.9 Mi)
WSW to Laranjeiro Portugal20,473165.4 Km (102.8 Mi) 184 Km (114.3 Mi)
S to Tangier Morocco688,356181.8 Km (112.9 Mi) 238.2 Km (148 Mi)