Distance from Santiago de Querétaro to Nearby Cities

The distance from Santiago de Querétaro to the nearest city Venceremos is 6.4 kilometers or 4 miles away. The nearest town Santa Catarina is 3 kilometers or 1.9 miles away. 2 major cities are near Santiago de Querétaro; San Juan del Río being the closest is 56.4 kilometers or 35.1 miles away.

Santiago de Querétaro Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Santiago de Querétaro Distances
Nearby Location(s): 12
Nearest Location: 2.4 Km (1.5 Mi)

Santiago de Querétaro to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Santiago de Querétaro and nearby cities in Mexico.

From Santiago de Querétaro Population Distance
S to Venceremos15,5384.1 Km (2.5 Mi) 6.4 Km (4 Mi)
SW to El Pueblito71,2548.4 Km (5.2 Mi) 8.8 Km (5.5 Mi)
NNW to Santa Rosa Jáuregui17,09118.2 Km (11.3 Mi) 24.1 Km (15 Mi)
WSW to Apaseo el Alto25,57728.1 Km (17.5 Mi) 33.5 Km (20.8 Mi)
W to Apaseo el Grande22,63631.1 Km (19.3 Mi) 33.3 Km (20.7 Mi)

Santiago de Querétaro to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Santiago de Querétaro and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Mexico.

From Santiago de Querétaro Population Distance
NNW to Santa Catarina1,6072.3 Km (1.5 Mi) 3 Km (1.9 Mi)
S to La Loma1,2874.1 Km (2.5 Mi) 6.4 Km (4 Mi)
ENE to La Cañada10,0896.3 Km (3.9 Mi) 7.2 Km (4.5 Mi)
N to San Jose El Alto5,9577 Km (4.3 Mi) 9.3 Km (5.8 Mi)
WNW to Colinas de Santa Cruz3,3268.1 Km (5 Mi) 11.6 Km (7.2 Mi)

Santiago de Querétaro to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Santiago de Querétaro to major cities in Querétaro.

From Santiago de Querétaro Population Distance
ESE to San Juan del Río118,17347.3 Km (29.4 Mi) 56.4 Km (35.1 Mi)
E to Tequisquiapan29,79953.2 Km (33 Mi) 62.7 Km (39 Mi)