San Jose is also near the Nevada state border; Las Vegas in Nevada is 526.5 miles or 847.3 kilometers away.
San Jose Summary:
- The coordinates for San Jose are 37.338208 -121.8863286.
- The America/Los_Angeles timezone is observed in San Jose.
- The elevation for San Jose is 80.56 Feet (24.56 Meters).
San Jose Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 18 |
Nearest Location: | 2.4 Mi (3.9 Km) |
San Jose to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between San Jose and nearby cities in the United States.
From San Jose, CA | Population | Distance | |
WNW to Santa Clara, CA | 116,468 | 3.9 Mi (6.3 Km) | 5 Mi (8 Km) |
ENE to Alum Rock, CA | 15,536 | 4.3 Mi (6.8 Km) | 5.9 Mi (9.6 Km) |
SW to Campbell, CA | 39,349 | 5 Mi (8 Km) | 7.1 Mi (11.5 Km) |
N to Milpitas, CA | 66,790 | 6.5 Mi (10.5 Km) | 7.9 Mi (12.8 Km) |
W to Cupertino, CA | 58,302 | 8.1 Mi (13 Km) | 10.5 Mi (16.8 Km) |
San Jose to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between San Jose and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.
From San Jose, CA | Population | Distance | |
SW to Buena Vista, CA | 1,704 | 2.4 Mi (3.8 Km) | 3.6 Mi (5.8 Km) |
WSW to Burbank, CA | 4,926 | 2.6 Mi (4.2 Km) | 4.1 Mi (6.7 Km) |
SE to Seven Trees, CA | 1,788 | 4.5 Mi (7.2 Km) | 7.7 Mi (12.3 Km) |
NE to East Foothills, CA | 8,269 | 4.8 Mi (7.7 Km) | 6.5 Mi (10.4 Km) |
SSW to Cambrian Park, CA | 3,282 | 6.1 Mi (9.9 Km) | 11.2 Mi (18 Km) |
San Jose to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from San Jose to major cities in California.
From San Jose, CA | Population | Distance | |
NW to San Francisco, CA | 805,235 | 42 Mi (67.6 Km) | 48.5 Mi (78.1 Km) |
NNE to Sacramento, CA | 466,488 | 88.5 Mi (142.5 Km) | 119.9 Mi (193 Km) |
ESE to Fresno, CA | 494,665 | 123.6 Mi (198.8 Km) | 151.4 Mi (243.7 Km) |
SE to Long Beach, CA | 462,257 | 322.3 Mi (518.7 Km) | 362.7 Mi (583.7 Km) |
SE to San Diego, CA | 1,307,402 | 416.5 Mi (670.3 Km) | 459.5 Mi (739.5 Km) |
San Jose to Major Cities in Neighboring States
The list below shows the distance from San Jose to major cities in Nevada, Oregon and Arizona.