Distance from San Carlos de Bariloche to Nearby Cities

The distance from San Carlos de Bariloche to the nearest city El Bolsón is 121.5 kilometers or 75.5 miles away. The nearest town Pilcaniyeu is 65.2 kilometers or 40.5 miles away. 5 major cities are near San Carlos de Bariloche; Cipolletti being the closest is 435.9 kilometers or 270.8 miles away.

San Carlos de Bariloche is also 320.1 kilometers or 198.9 miles from Puerto Montt in Chile.

San Carlos de Bariloche Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
San Carlos de Bariloche Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 49.2 Km (30.6 Mi)

San Carlos de Bariloche to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between San Carlos de Bariloche and nearby cities in Argentina.

From San Carlos de Bariloche Population Distance
S to El Bolsón15,53794.4 Km (58.6 Mi) 121.5 Km (75.5 Mi)
N to San Martín de los Andes23,519108.6 Km (67.5 Mi) 190.2 Km (118.2 Mi)
S to Esquel28,486197.5 Km (122.7 Mi) 284.9 Km (177 Mi)
NNE to Zapala31,534269.8 Km (167.6 Mi) 363 Km (225.6 Mi)

San Carlos de Bariloche to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between San Carlos de Bariloche and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Argentina.

From San Carlos de Bariloche Population Distance
E to Pilcaniyeu1,46749.3 Km (30.6 Mi) 65.2 Km (40.5 Mi)
NW to Villa La Angostura7,52649.9 Km (31 Mi) 83 Km (51.6 Mi)
SSE to Ñorquincó?86.8 Km (53.9 Mi) 183.8 Km (114.2 Mi)
E to Comallo1,30688.1 Km (54.7 Mi) 116.3 Km (72.2 Mi)

San Carlos de Bariloche to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from San Carlos de Bariloche to major cities in Río Negro.

From San Carlos de Bariloche Population Distance
NE to Cipolletti75,078373.1 Km (231.9 Mi) 435.9 Km (270.8 Mi)
NE to Allen26,083381.1 Km (236.8 Mi) 454.1 Km (282.2 Mi)
NE to General Roca73,212394.8 Km (245.3 Mi) 475.8 Km (295.7 Mi)
ENE to Villa Regina31,209424.3 Km (263.7 Mi) 518.8 Km (322.4 Mi)
E to Viedma48,940698.9 Km (434.2 Mi) 828.5 Km (514.8 Mi)
San Carlos de Bariloche to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from San Carlos de Bariloche to Chile.

From San Carlos de Bariloche Population Distance
WSW to Puerto Montt Chile160,054141.3 Km (87.8 Mi) 320.1 Km (198.9 Mi)