Saltpond Summary:
- The coordinates for Saltpond are 5.202311 -1.0514312.
- The Africa/Accra timezone is observed in Saltpond.
- The elevation for Saltpond is 10.24 Meters (33.61 Feet).
Saltpond Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 9 |
Nearest Location: | 26.4 Km (16.4 Mi) |
Saltpond to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Saltpond and nearby cities in Ghana.
From Saltpond | Population | Distance | |
WSW to Cape Coast | 143,015 | 26.5 Km (16.4 Mi) | 47.2 Km (29.3 Mi) |
WSW to Elmina | 25,560 | 34 Km (21.1 Mi) | 56 Km (34.8 Mi) |
ENE to Apam | 20,147 | 36.1 Km (22.4 Mi) | 47 Km (29.2 Mi) |
ENE to Winneba | 44,254 | 50 Km (31 Mi) | 59.4 Km (36.9 Mi) |
NE to Agona Swedru | 50,293 | 52.8 Km (32.8 Mi) | 74.9 Km (46.6 Mi) |
Saltpond to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Saltpond and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Ghana.
From Saltpond | Population | Distance | |
ENE to Mumford | 13,983 | 33.2 Km (20.6 Mi) | 47.8 Km (29.7 Mi) |
N to Akim Swedru | 8,355 | 76.9 Km (47.8 Mi) | 98.9 Km (61.5 Mi) |
Saltpond to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Saltpond to major cities in Central.