Distance from Salt Lake City, UT to Nearby Cities

The distance from Salt Lake City to the nearest city South Salt Lake is 3.1 miles or 4.9 kilometers away. The nearest town Centerfield is 6.2 miles or 9.9 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Salt Lake City; West Valley City being the closest is 10.8 miles or 17.4 kilometers away.

Salt Lake City is also near the Idaho state border; Boise in Idaho is 344.9 miles or 555 kilometers away.

Salt Lake City Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Salt Lake City Distances
Nearby Location(s): 21
Nearest Location: 2.9 Mi (4.7 Km)

Salt Lake City to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Salt Lake City and nearby cities in the United States.

From Salt Lake City, UT Population Distance
S to South Salt Lake, UT23,6172.9 Mi (4.7 Km) 3.1 Mi (4.9 Km)
S to Millcreek, UT62,1395.2 Mi (8.3 Km) 8.2 Mi (13.1 Km)
SE to East Millcreek, UT20,8166 Mi (9.6 Km) 11.3 Mi (18.1 Km)
N to North Salt Lake, UT16,3226.1 Mi (9.9 Km) 7.6 Mi (12.3 Km)
S to Murray, UT46,7466.5 Mi (10.4 Km) 8.3 Mi (13.4 Km)

Salt Lake City to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Salt Lake City and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Salt Lake City, UT Population Distance
S to Centerfield, UT1,0844.8 Mi (7.7 Km) 6.2 Mi (9.9 Km)
SE to Canyon Rim, UT10,0625.2 Mi (8.3 Km) 8.9 Mi (14.3 Km)
SE to Mount Olympus, UT6,7487.6 Mi (12.2 Km) 12.1 Mi (19.4 Km)
N to Woods Cross, UT9,7617.7 Mi (12.3 Km) 9.6 Mi (15.5 Km)
N to West Bountiful, UT5,2659.2 Mi (14.8 Km) 11.4 Mi (18.3 Km)

Salt Lake City to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Salt Lake City to major cities in Utah.

From Salt Lake City, UT Population Distance
SW to West Valley City, UT129,4807.5 Mi (12 Km) 10.8 Mi (17.4 Km)
SSW to West Jordan, UT103,71210.7 Mi (17.3 Km) 13.4 Mi (21.6 Km)
SSE to Sandy, UT87,46113.8 Mi (22.2 Km) 17.8 Mi (28.7 Km)
SSE to Orem, UT88,32833.7 Mi (54.2 Km) 40.8 Mi (65.7 Km)
SSE to Provo, UT112,48838.4 Mi (61.8 Km) 45.1 Mi (72.6 Km)
Salt Lake City to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Salt Lake City to major cities in Wyoming, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico and Nevada.

From Salt Lake City, UT Population Distance
NW to Boise, ID145,987296.6 Mi (477.4 Km) 344.9 Mi (555 Km)
SSW to Las Vegas, NV583,756362.7 Mi (583.7 Km) 421.2 Mi (677.8 Km)
E to Cheyenne, WY59,466369.9 Mi (595.3 Km) 440.3 Mi (708.5 Km)
E to Denver, CO600,158370.7 Mi (596.6 Km) 521 Mi (838.4 Km)
SE to Albuquerque, NM545,852484.9 Mi (780.4 Km) 599 Mi (963.9 Km)
S to Phoenix, AZ1,445,632505.5 Mi (813.5 Km) 659.7 Mi (1061.6 Km)