Distance from Rio Gallegos to Other Cities

The distance from Rio Gallegos to the nearest town Comandante Luis Piedrabuena is 236.7 kilometers or 147.1 miles away. The nearest major city Caleta Olivia is 700.9 kilometers or 435.5 miles away.

Rio Gallegos Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Rio Gallegos Distances
Nearby Location(s): 8
Nearest Location: 183.6 Km (114.1 Mi)

Rio Gallegos to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Rio Gallegos and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Argentina.

From Rio Gallegos Population Distance
N to Comandante Luis Piedrabuena4,176183.7 Km (114.1 Mi) 236.7 Km (147.1 Mi)
NNE to Puerto Santa Cruz3,397184.9 Km (114.9 Mi) 255.7 Km (158.9 Mi)
W to Veintiocho de Noviembre4,686207.1 Km (128.7 Mi) 253.7 Km (157.6 Mi)
W to Río Turbio6,650215.9 Km (134.2 Mi) 309.8 Km (192.5 Mi)
WNW to El Calafate8,000256.8 Km (159.6 Mi) 305 Km (189.5 Mi)
SSE to Rio Grande?261.4 Km (162.4 Mi) 364.2 Km (226.3 Mi)
NNE to San Julián6,143279.1 Km (173.4 Mi) 360.4 Km (224 Mi)

Rio Gallegos to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Rio Gallegos to major cities in Santa Cruz Province.

From Rio Gallegos Population Distance
NNE to Caleta Olivia36,077589.3 Km (366.2 Mi) 700.9 Km (435.5 Mi)