Distance from Putrajaya to Nearby Cities

The distance from Putrajaya to the nearest city Kampung Baru Balakong is 19.5 kilometers or 12.1 miles away. The nearest town Kampung Bukit Tinggi is 68.5 kilometers or 42.6 miles away. 4 major cities are near Putrajaya; Kuala Lumpur being the closest is 35.8 kilometers or 22.2 miles away.

Putrajaya is also 1598.7 kilometers or 993.4 miles from Dumai in Indonesia.

Putrajaya Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Putrajaya Distances
Nearby Location(s): 13
Nearest Location: 12.6 Km (7.8 Mi)

Putrajaya to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Putrajaya and nearby cities in Malaysia.

From Putrajaya Population Distance
NNE to Kampung Baru Balakong69,30212.5 Km (7.8 Mi) 19.5 Km (12.1 Mi)
E to Semenyih92,49116.7 Km (10.4 Mi) 25.6 Km (15.9 Mi)
SE to Kampung Baru Nilai36,72017.8 Km (11.1 Mi) 37.3 Km (23.2 Mi)
NNW to Petaling Jaya520,69820.1 Km (12.5 Mi) 33.5 Km (20.8 Mi)
NW to Subang Jaya708,29621.2 Km (13.2 Mi) 33.1 Km (20.5 Mi)

Putrajaya to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Putrajaya and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Malaysia.

From Putrajaya Population Distance
NNE to Kampung Bukit Tinggi12,34649.5 Km (30.8 Mi) 68.5 Km (42.6 Mi)
SSE to Kuala Sungai Baru12,26973.9 Km (45.9 Mi) 108.1 Km (67.2 Mi)
SE to Pulau Sebang11,87979.6 Km (49.4 Mi) 107.7 Km (67 Mi)

Putrajaya to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Putrajaya to major cities in Putrajaya.

From Putrajaya Population Distance
N to Kuala Lumpur1,453,97523.7 Km (14.7 Mi) 35.8 Km (22.2 Mi)
WNW to Klang879,86730.8 Km (19.2 Mi) 48.7 Km (30.3 Mi)
SE to Johor Bahru802,489277.6 Km (172.5 Mi) 317.6 Km (197.3 Mi)
N to Kota Bharu1,459,994360.7 Km (224.1 Mi) 462.2 Km (287.2 Mi)
Putrajaya to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Putrajaya to Indonesia.

From Putrajaya Population Distance
SSW to Dumai Indonesia143,760143.9 Km (89.4 Mi) 1598.7 Km (993.4 Mi)