Distance from Porto Velho - State of Rondônia to Nearby Cities

The distance from Porto Velho - State of Rondônia to the nearest city Ariquemes - RO is 202.8 kilometers or 126 miles away. The nearest town Canutama - AM is 254.5 kilometers or 158.1 miles away. 4 major cities are near Porto Velho - State of Rondônia; Ji-Paraná - RO being the closest is 377.3 kilometers or 234.4 miles away.

Porto Velho - State of Rondônia Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Porto Velho - State of Rondônia Distances
Nearby Location(s): 10
Nearest Location: 159 Km (98.8 Mi)

Porto Velho - State of Rondônia to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Porto Velho - State of Rondônia and nearby cities in Brazil.

From Porto Velho - State of Rondônia Population Distance
SE to Ariquemes - RO58,096159 Km (98.8 Mi) 202.8 Km (126 Mi)
NE to Humaitá - AM31,206168.3 Km (104.6 Mi) 204.1 Km (126.8 Mi)
SE to Jaru - RO28,015242.6 Km (150.7 Mi) 291.6 Km (181.2 Mi)
SW to Guajará-Mirim - RO34,119274.7 Km (170.7 Mi) 328.4 Km (204 Mi)
SE to Ouro Prêto do Oeste26,683282.5 Km (175.5 Mi) 333.6 Km (207.3 Mi)

Porto Velho - State of Rondônia to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Porto Velho - State of Rondônia and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Brazil.

From Porto Velho - State of Rondônia Population Distance
NNW to Canutama - AM6,320254.5 Km (158.1 Mi)

Porto Velho - State of Rondônia to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Porto Velho - State of Rondônia to major cities in State of Rondônia.

From Porto Velho - State of Rondônia Population Distance
SE to Ji-Paraná - RO107,697319.3 Km (198.4 Mi) 377.3 Km (234.4 Mi)
SE to Cacoal - RO55,560400 Km (248.6 Mi) 479.1 Km (297.7 Mi)
SSE to Pôsto Fiscal Rolim de Moura - RO37,949510.3 Km (317.1 Mi)
SE to Vilhena - RO63,231603.5 Km (375 Mi) 703.3 Km (437 Mi)