Distance from Parkent to Nearby Cities

The distance from Parkent to the nearest city Kibray is 36.7 kilometers or 22.8 miles away. The nearest town Myrzakent is 153.2 kilometers or 95.2 miles away. 4 major cities are near Parkent; Angren being the closest is 103.7 kilometers or 64.5 miles away.

Parkent is also 67.7 kilometers or 42 miles from Saryagash in Kazakhstan.

Parkent Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Parkent Distances
Nearby Location(s): 16
Nearest Location: 20.9 Km (13 Mi)

Parkent to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Parkent and nearby cities in Uzbekistan.

From Parkent Population Distance
WNW to Kibray27,75020.9 Km (13 Mi) 36.7 Km (22.8 Mi)
NNW to Chirchik167,84223 Km (14.3 Mi) 31.4 Km (19.5 Mi)
WSW to Bektemir District26,38029.1 Km (18.1 Mi) 35 Km (21.8 Mi)
N to Iskandar27,63629.2 Km (18.2 Mi) 44.1 Km (27.4 Mi)
NNE to Gazalkent24,70031.1 Km (19.3 Mi) 46.6 Km (28.9 Mi)

Parkent to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Parkent and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Uzbekistan.

From Parkent Population Distance
SW to Myrzakent9,752118.5 Km (73.6 Mi) 153.2 Km (95.2 Mi)
SE to Shakhimardan5,100231 Km (143.5 Mi) 348.4 Km (216.5 Mi)
ESE to Marhamat14,646236.4 Km (146.9 Mi) 374.1 Km (232.4 Mi)
SW to Jomboy14,429280.6 Km (174.4 Mi) 343.1 Km (213.2 Mi)

Parkent to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Parkent to major cities in Tashkent Province.

From Parkent Population Distance
SE to Angren126,95745.8 Km (28.5 Mi) 103.7 Km (64.5 Mi)
S to Almalyk121,20749.9 Km (31 Mi) 66.7 Km (41.4 Mi)
WSW to Yangiyul60,00055.3 Km (34.4 Mi) 68.3 Km (42.4 Mi)
SSW to Bekobod86,259124.7 Km (77.5 Mi) 148.8 Km (92.4 Mi)
Parkent to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Parkent to major cities in bordering Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

From Parkent Population Distance
WNW to Saryagash Kazakhstan25,13945.8 Km (28.4 Mi) 67.7 Km (42 Mi)
S to Khujand Tajikistan144,865114.3 Km (71 Mi) 176.6 Km (109.7 Mi)
S to Suluktu‎ Kyrgyzstan15,019151.7 Km (94.2 Mi) 404.3 Km (251.2 Mi)