Distance from Pailin to Nearby Cities

The distance from Pailin to the nearest city Krong Battambang is 89.3 kilometers or 55.5 miles away. The nearest major city Krong Preah Sihanouk is 532.1 kilometers or 330.6 miles away.

Pailin is also 157.5 kilometers or 97.9 miles from Trat in Thailand.

Pailin Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Pailin Distances
Nearby Location(s): 12
Nearest Location: 57 Km (35.4 Mi)

Pailin to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Pailin and nearby cities in Cambodia.

From Pailin Population Distance
NE to Krong Battambang150,44473.3 Km (45.5 Mi) 89.3 Km (55.5 Mi)
NNE to Krong Serei Saophoan23,218101.6 Km (63.1 Mi) 130.3 Km (81 Mi)
N to Paôy Pêt79,000102.1 Km (63.4 Mi) 153.3 Km (95.2 Mi)
SSE to Smach Mean Chey29,329133.2 Km (82.8 Mi) 271.1 Km (168.4 Mi)
ESE to Krong Pursat52,476140 Km (87 Mi) 203.3 Km (126.3 Mi)
ENE to Krong Siem Reap139,458149.9 Km (93.2 Mi) 238 Km (147.9 Mi)
SSE to Koh Kong33,134151.8 Km (94.3 Mi) 300.2 Km (186.5 Mi)
NNE to Krong Samraong18,694194.3 Km (120.7 Mi) 268.7 Km (166.9 Mi)
ESE to Krong Kampong Chhnang75,244228.2 Km (141.8 Mi) 288.1 Km (179 Mi)
SE to Kampong Speu33,231250.3 Km (155.5 Mi) 377.4 Km (234.5 Mi)

Pailin to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Pailin to major cities in Pailin.

From Pailin Population Distance
SSE to Krong Preah Sihanouk156,691254.6 Km (158.2 Mi) 532.1 Km (330.6 Mi)

Pailin to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Pailin to Thailand.

From Pailin Population Distance
SSW to Trat Thailand21,59056.9 Km (35.4 Mi) 157.5 Km (97.9 Mi)