Distance from Oujda to Nearby Cities

The distance from Oujda to the nearest city Ahfir is 38.9 kilometers or 24.2 miles away. The nearest town Guenfouda is 28.8 kilometers or 17.9 miles away. 2 major cities are near Oujda; Taourirt being the closest is 119.3 kilometers or 74.1 miles away.

Oujda is also 553.4 kilometers or 343.9 miles from Nedroma in Algeria.

Oujda Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Oujda Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 25.3 Km (15.7 Mi)

Oujda to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Oujda and nearby cities in Morocco.

From Oujda Population Distance
NNW to Ahfir19,61135.3 Km (21.9 Mi) 38.9 Km (24.2 Mi)
NW to Berkane80,72145.9 Km (28.5 Mi) 60.4 Km (37.5 Mi)
SSW to Jerada Province43,69649 Km (30.5 Mi) 62.9 Km (39.1 Mi)
WSW to El Aioun35,19656.9 Km (35.3 Mi) 60.4 Km (37.6 Mi)
WNW to Zaio30,00882 Km (51 Mi) 98 Km (60.9 Mi)

Oujda to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Oujda and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Morocco.

From Oujda Population Distance
SSW to Guenfouda?25.2 Km (15.7 Mi) 28.8 Km (17.9 Mi)
S to Tiouli?35.3 Km (22 Mi) 45.1 Km (28.1 Mi)
NW to Madagh?54.5 Km (33.9 Mi) 62.7 Km (39 Mi)
WNW to Kariat Arkmane?89.5 Km (55.6 Mi) 114 Km (70.8 Mi)
W to Hassi Berkane?90.1 Km (56 Mi) 119 Km (73.9 Mi)

Oujda to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Oujda to major cities in Oriental.

From Oujda Population Distance
WSW to Taourirt82,51896.3 Km (59.9 Mi) 119.3 Km (74.1 Mi)
WNW to Nador129,260108.2 Km (67.2 Mi) 136.8 Km (85 Mi)
Oujda to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Oujda to major cities in bordering Algeria and Spain.

From Oujda Population Distance
NNE to Nedroma Algeria36,99539 Km (24.2 Mi) 553.4 Km (343.9 Mi)
NW to Melilla Spain73,460116.4 Km (72.3 Mi) 152.7 Km (94.9 Mi)