Distance from Okene to Nearby Cities

The distance from Okene center to the nearest city Kabba is 38.6 kilometers or 24 miles away. The nearest town Adogo is 31.8 kilometers or 19.8 miles away. The nearest major city Egbe is 143.6 kilometers or 89.2 miles away.

Okene Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Okene Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 26.7 Km (16.6 Mi)

Okene to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Okene and nearby cities in Nigeria.

From Okene Population Distance
NNW to Kabba49,86934.6 Km (21.5 Mi) 38.6 Km (24 Mi)
E to Ajaokuta15,14444.1 Km (27.4 Mi) 66.2 Km (41.1 Mi)
S to Auchi62,90755.1 Km (34.2 Mi) 68.3 Km (42.4 Mi)
ENE to Lokoja60,57962.7 Km (39 Mi) 73 Km (45.3 Mi)
SE to Idah68,70374.4 Km (46.2 Mi) 124.8 Km (77.6 Mi)

Okene to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Okene and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Nigeria.

From Okene Population Distance
ESE to Adogo?26.6 Km (16.6 Mi) 31.8 Km (19.8 Mi)
SSW to Igarra14,64735.1 Km (21.8 Mi) 55.9 Km (34.7 Mi)
WSW to Isua?38.7 Km (24.1 Mi) 52.4 Km (32.6 Mi)
NW to Iyara?43.1 Km (26.8 Mi) 50.2 Km (31.2 Mi)
WSW to Oka Akoko?50.1 Km (31.1 Mi) 66 Km (41 Mi)

Okene to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Okene to major cities in Kogi.

From Okene Population Distance
NW to Egbe17,612109.2 Km (67.9 Mi) 143.6 Km (89.2 Mi)