Distance from Oaxaca to Nearby Cities

The distance from Oaxaca to the nearest city San Antonio de la Cal is 5.3 kilometers or 3.3 miles away. The nearest town Santa Cruz Amilpas is 5.7 kilometers or 3.5 miles away. 4 major cities are near Oaxaca; Tuxtepec being the closest is 218.9 kilometers or 136 miles away.

Oaxaca Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Oaxaca Distances
Nearby Location(s): 12
Nearest Location: 3.9 Km (2.4 Mi)

Oaxaca to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Oaxaca and nearby cities in Mexico.

From Oaxaca Population Distance
SSE to San Antonio de la Cal20,1983.9 Km (2.4 Mi) 5.3 Km (3.3 Mi)
SSW to Huajuapan61,8465.1 Km (3.2 Mi) 6.6 Km (4.1 Mi)
S to Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz17,63282.1 Km (51 Mi) 102.8 Km (63.9 Mi)

Oaxaca to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Oaxaca and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Mexico.

From Oaxaca Population Distance
E to Santa Cruz Amilpas10,1204.3 Km (2.7 Mi) 5.7 Km (3.5 Mi)
NE to San Andrés Huayapam3,6305.7 Km (3.5 Mi) 7.4 Km (4.6 Mi)
W to La Cañada1,0335.7 Km (3.6 Mi) 8.8 Km (5.5 Mi)
SSE to San Agustín de las Juntas4,9216.1 Km (3.8 Mi) 7.4 Km (4.6 Mi)
WSW to San Francisco Javier1,1626.9 Km (4.3 Mi) 10 Km (6.2 Mi)

Oaxaca to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Oaxaca to major cities in Oaxaca.

From Oaxaca Population Distance
NNE to Tuxtepec92,121130.8 Km (81.3 Mi) 218.9 Km (136 Mi)
NW to Huajuapan de León47,844139.9 Km (86.9 Mi) 172.7 Km (107.3 Mi)
ESE to Salina Cruz73,648188.3 Km (117 Mi) 277.4 Km (172.4 Mi)
ESE to Juchitán de Zaragoza67,637193.6 Km (120.3 Mi) 275.1 Km (171 Mi)